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Butt Drunk: It’s What All the Frat Boys at University of Tennessee Are Doing

Keg stands? Those are so year 2000 and oh-so late. What's in these days are alcohol enemas. You heard right, members of the Pi...

Woman Finds Out Her Dead Husband Was Also Her Father

Heard any shocking news lately? Well, the news 60-year-old Valerie Spruill found out 6 years after her husband died probably tops anything you've ever...

Chef Confesses He Slow Cooked His Wife in Boiling Water for Four Days

Have your barf bags handy, cause this is one gruesome tale that would probably make even the fictional serial killer character Dexter blush. David Viens,...

Whoopi Goldberg Wets Herself On TV After Major Hot Flash

Whoopi Goldberg needs to make her way to a retirement home stat. She's starting to lose control of all of her bodily functions and...

Moustafa Ismail’s Grotesque 31 Inch Biceps Are The Biggest In The Entire World

24-year-old Moustafa Ismail, also known as "Big Mo," for very obvious reasons, is the proud owner of a pair of scary-looking 31 inch biceps,...

Watch Your Ass: New York Man Randomly Stabbed in the Butt 5 Times by Stranger

It's a mad, mad, mad world out there, folks. A New York man, who also happens to be a father of three, was randomly...

Mr. Marcus Apologizes for Infecting the Porn Industry with Syphilis

Porn star Mr. Marcus admits that he could be responsible for the recent STD scare that has shut down the porn industry in San...

GROSS: Thirsty Fan Lets Machine Gun Kelly Spit Vodka Into Her Mouth [VIDEO]

Some women are so thirsty for attention for rappers that they will literally do ANYTHING just to get a little closer to them ......

Bobbi Kristina and Her Adopted Brother/Boyfriend Nick Gordon: Looking Crazy In Love, Overdoing It with the Tattoos

Well, as the saying goes, like mother, like daughter. Whitney Houston was known for falling in love with the wrong men really hard and doing...

6-Year-Old, Stabbed Multiple Times in Her Sleep, Tells Police: “Mommy Tried To Kill Me”

A Wisconsin mother is facing attempted homicide charges after she reportedly tried to kill her 6-year-old daughter by stabbing her repeatedly in her sleep. According...

12-Year-Old Girl Tazered by Cop at Victoria’s Secret

What the f**k?!? A completely innocent 12-year-old girl was reportedly tazered by a cop inside a Victoria's Secret last Wednesday (Aug 1) at a shopping...

Teacher of the Year: Derek McGlone Lies About Running Over a Little Girl to Get Out of Work

Teachers are supposed to set the standard for morals and ethics. After all, we entrust them with the instruction of our children. But as it...

Kristen Stewart Refuses to Shower After Cheating Scandal Blows Up In Her Face

If Kristen Stewart really wants to win Robert Pattinson back, we don't think avoiding soap and hot water is the way to go. An "insider"...

Man Says His Penis Was Stolen While He Was Sleeping

Foreign media outlets are reporting on a bizarre story out of China, in which a man's penis was "stolen," while he slept. Wait ... what? According...

George Zimmerman Says Trayvon Martin’s Murder Was “God’s Plan”

George Zimmerman, you low-down dirty snake. President Barack Obama rode high on the Audacity of Hope during his 2008 presidential campaign, but it's safe to...

Burger King Employees Fired After Photo of Worker Standing in Lettuce Goes Viral

Add this to the million and one reasons why you should proceed with EXTREME caution when eating at your favorite fast food restaurants. Three Burger...

Man High on “Synthetic Marijuana” (K2) Eats His Family’s Dog Alive

Police in Texas say they arrested a 22-year-old man this week after he attacked a neighbor and ate his own family's dog alive. Michael Terron...

Kris Humphries Accuses Kris Jenner of Ordering Kim Kardashian to Shoot Sex Tape with Ray J … TWICE!

The ex girlfriend of Kim Kardashian's ex husband Kris Humphries says that he told her that Kris Jenner ordered Kim to shoot her infamous...

Woman Accused of “Squeezing Man’s Testicles From Scrotum” Arrested and Charged with Malicious Castration

Police in North Carolina say they arrested a woman who, after a heated argument, allegedly squeezed a man's balls so hard ... that his...

Recovering Bath Salts Addict Says the Drug Made Him Feel “All Kinds of Crazy”

Freddy Sharp knows exactly what it feels like to be high on "bath salts" ... and he says it's not a good feeling. "Balth Salts"...

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