Quantasia Sharpton is one of the latest people to sue Usher in the singer’s growing herpes scandal. Along with her lawyer, Lisa Bloom, Sharpton shared details of her sexual encounter with Usher during a press conference in New York on Monday (Aug. 7).
Sharpton says she attended an Usher concert for her 19th birthday and was invited backstage because of her birthday crown. A security guard then told her Usher was interested in her and asked for her number. After the show, she claims Usher called her from a blocked number and then asked if he could come to her hotel room.
“We spoke for a while and then we engaged in sexual contact. He never warned me about any STDs,” Sharpton claimed.
But here’s the gag: The 21-year-old says she DOES NOT have herpes. Sharpton is suing Usher because she feels her rights were violated as he knowingly put her health at risk without her consent.
Twitter responded to Quantasia Sharpton’s press conference and admitting she doesn’t even have herpes with a major side eye. Many believe she is lying, while others joked about everything from her looks to her name.
yall not finna sit here & tell ME that out of allllll the groupies , Usher picked HER . YALL NOT ? pic.twitter.com/JIJJwC91MP
— baby face killa (@ColorBriBAD) August 7, 2017
I was expecting a fine dime breezy to be suing Usher .. not this house ? pic.twitter.com/62KvkUatrR
— not so shy Glizzy (@AFKADuddy) August 7, 2017
Me enjoying/believing all the Usher slander Vs. When I seen his accuser: pic.twitter.com/WgPZb0FUPo
— Jay Breeze (@DeLaBreezus) August 7, 2017
somebody said usher went from smashing chilli to smashing pork n beans.
i hate fat shaming but y'all… pic.twitter.com/Fb5VVTQl3f
— ??? ???? ????? ?? ???? ???? † (@_lesbiTREN) August 7, 2017
Lisa Bloom SET THAT GIRL UP!!! The memes are gonna be EPIC! She should have just stayed out the public eye! Oh baby girl! You're done here!?
— I Am TransYonce! (@soprano4lyfe) August 7, 2017
How you gone sue Usher for herpes if you don't have it… Its too damn early for these shenanigans. pic.twitter.com/nnC88mNspt
— Amaia Wall ????? (@TheyCraveeA) August 7, 2017
Y'all believe Usher fucked a dude but not a fat chick? Interesting.
— Larry Legend (@larryislegend) August 7, 2017
I refuse to believe Usher fucked this ???? pic.twitter.com/wDE9MWiCaj
— lil duval (@lilduval) August 7, 2017
I'll believe Usher gay before I believe he fucked that girl ????
— lil duval (@lilduval) August 7, 2017
When everybody saw the woman who is suing Usher for supposedly giving her herpes. pic.twitter.com/ZAz6zu63kJ
— KOSHER (@JRAN_76) August 7, 2017
All the baddies that would attend an usher concert and u mean to tell me he picked that….??
— CHEZHEAD WILL! (@KINGME007) August 7, 2017
Lisa Bloom ain't shit. If that lady was my client, I would've been like just write a statement and I'll read it.
— Marley's Mom (@RitaEsq) August 7, 2017
she says Usher's guard asked her for da number, he called from a BLOCKED number & only asked for her hotel info.Thats what STDs are made of
— Brian Rashad (@bwarrendotcom) August 7, 2017
Quantasia. Sharpton.
Lay my burdens down, Jesus.
— Lo Mane (@ithinkmark) August 7, 2017
this is USHER's Accuser….. her name is Quantasia Sharpton
alllllllllrighty then!! *sips tea* pic.twitter.com/CbOFT3NdJV— lovelyti (@lovelyti) August 7, 2017
We will believe her if she said usher gave her diabetes pic.twitter.com/QHwv2qETOr
— Michael Blackson (@MichaelBlackson) August 7, 2017
This Is Who ALL that hype was for.?? She sure it was Usher and not AN usher ??? somethin don't add up ? pic.twitter.com/PjlIu1ZCgm
— SkipBaeless (@AsApRell) August 7, 2017
Some people were not here for the fat-shaming, though.
People are so mean and hypocritical. Just because that woman is hefty doesn't mean Usher didn't smash.
— Alicia (@AliciaDaGOAT) August 7, 2017
I find it extremely disturbing how y'all find it comical that usher slept with this woman because she's a bbw.. what y'all mamas look like?
— Ken (@kingscorpiio) August 7, 2017
Why couldn't Usher have fucked Quantasia? Because she's fat? Fat bitches get fucked everyday, so stop it
— Project Patricia (@JustJuicy88) August 7, 2017
are y’all really saying y’all dont believe usher’s accuser because the girl is big? that’s disgusting pic.twitter.com/kRTzsdayOa
— it's my birthday (@dngerousprince) August 7, 2017
Y'all believe Usher fucked a dude but not a fat chick? Interesting.
— Larry Legend (@larryislegend) August 7, 2017
All these people not believing this woman slept with Usher because she's fat got me like…#FatShaming pic.twitter.com/xhjXosna5R
— Z? (@UnicornInZWild) August 7, 2017
Along with Quantasia Sharpton, Lisa Bloom is representing two other people (one woman and one man) who claim they also had sexual contact with Usher and he failed to inform them of any STDs. They have chosen to remain anonymous and Bloom says at least one of them have tested positive for herpes.