The hit CBS comedy series “Two and a Half Men” is currently on hiatus while Charlie Sheen (the star of the show) gets his life together. And while studio bosses are okay with that, the rest of the on-set crew isn’t feeling it!
Sources tell E! News that the show’s crew members, who are financially dependent on their day-to-day schedules, are pissed off that they won’t be able to work until Charlie gets out of rehab, which is apparently something that they have had to deal with in the past.
“We are really pissed,” vents one of the key crew members on set. “A lot of us do not get paid, if we don’t work,” continues our rightfully frustrated source. “So, if he’s off getting rehabbed, or porn-o-ing, or whatever, we’re screwed.”
It’s true, CBS suits may be hurting a little bit during Sheen’s break, but, at the end of the day, they aren’t the ones getting by on a day-to-day work basis. And this is hardly the first time Charlie Sheen’s behavior has completely f**ked over workers on his show.
Two and a Half Men production was halted last February, too, when Sheen entered rehab after his Christmas scuffle with Brooke Mueller. “To the best of my knowledge, the crew wasn’t paid back then, either, says an additional inside “Two” source, who’s currently knee-deep in this hiatus’s sh*tstorm.
Source: E! News
We’d be pissed off if we worked on the set of that show too! They say “one monkey don’t stop no show,” but we guess not in the case of Charlie Sheen. SMH…