In the court of public opinion, O.J. did it.
With renewed interest in the O.J. Simpson trial after the success of the FX Series The People vs OJ and the upcoming documentary on ESPN, people are no longer questioning the events in the historic rise and tragic fall of his life, they want to know how and why it happened.
In what many see as karma, Simpson is serving a 33-year sentence for an unrelated armed robbery conviction. But is that enough? Does Simpson need absolution and will he seek it in his later years?
Ron Shipp, a former police officer and friend of Simpson, who testified on his behalf during the 1995 murder trial says, “He is 300 pounds and he looks horrible. O.J. has always felt his appearance meant everything and now, deep down inside, he is starting to live with himself.”
Shipp admits that he had mixed feelings about Simpson’s guilt when he testified, but he no longer harbors any doubts. He also believes OJ is on the brink of telling the truth about what happened. “The guy is in total torment today,” Shipp said.
Simpson isn’t eligible for parole until next year when he will be 70 years old. Because of double jeopardy laws, Simpson can’t be re-tried for the same crime, even after a confession of guilt.
Whether it is immediately upon his release or on his deathbed, insiders believe that OJ knows the whole truth and will not take it to the grave.
Part 1 of the 7-part documentary O.J. Made in America will premiere on ESPN on June 11.