Erica Mena may be a horrible singer, but the girl knows how to throw down on a reality show. The wannabe songstress has been rolling around in Rich Dollaz’s bed for the past few seasons but this season, Erica has spent her time munching on some lady carpet named Cyn.
Cyn looks more like Erica Mena’s cousin rather than her girlfriend, and with her penchant for Chipotle and her fiery attitude, she was a walking Latina stereotype. Like the only way Cyn could’ve been MORE stereotypical is if she wore a sombrero and jumped up and down Speedy Gonzalez-style shouting, “Arriba! Arriba! Andalé! Andalé!”
So anyway, Mona Scott-Young must’ve been as bored with this season of “Love & Hip Hop” as the rest of us were because she didn’t even bother to show up for the reunion. Instead, she sent Mo’nique in her place.
Baby, this is a downgrade of epic proportions. This is an Oscar winning actress who at one point had her own late-night talk show. She is now relegated to holding court with the baby mamas, kind-of-girlfriends and jumpoffs of C-list rappers. Hollywood is a cruel, cruel place.
But back to the Erica Mena and Cyn situation. Mo’nique is amused by this whole lesbian thing but just like the rest of us, she isn’t buying that Mena is truly into Cyn’s kitty cat and over Rich’s magic stick.
“Is it the Chipotle that got you,” Mo’nique asked.
Now normally, you might assume that Mo’nique’s hungry ass just can’t keep her mind off of food, but Cyn has a serious addiction to Chipotle. It raises a good point, did Erica Mena ply Cyn with Chipotle until her burrito bowl got so full that she couldn’t say no?
Rich Dollaz for one, is not a believer in the Erica-Cyn union. He points out that Erica willingly sat on his lap and made out with him repeatedly. So if the relationship was real, why did Erica keep coming back for more?
Oop. Erica immediately starts yelling that she’s admitted her mistakes and that Rich needs to admit his. Um, admit what mistakes? Rich isn’t in a committed relationship, so who did he betray?
Mo’nique declares that the thunder and lightning between the two of them is just a sign that they’re deep in love with one another. When Mo’nique states the obvious and they cut to commercial break, Cyn gets upset and all hell breaks loose backstage. After Cyn storms out of Erica’s dressing room, Rich enters and tries to soothe Erica’s fiery rage but she just curses him out too and changes into a forest green dress.
Tahiry and Joe Can’t Stand Each Other
At one point, the dynamic between Tahiry and Joe Budden was interesting. Joe was a psuedo-egghead and Tahiry was the pin-up girl struggling to assert her independence.
But after the 24th break-up, their relationship lost its charm. This season, Joe and Tahiry started out being back on, but it all exploded when Tahiry came home and noticed that their pillows were covered in foundation. Either Joe Budden had a cake-faced woman in his bed or he was playing around in Tahiry’s CoverGirl set. Either scenario was cause for worry.
After their inevitable break-up, Joe did everything he could to win Tahiry back, including proposing to her. It didn’t work though because Tahiry turned him down. Tahiry is a smart girl, she saw how that situation worked out for Erica Dixon from LHHA so she said, “Thank you, but no thank you.”
Joe is acting like he doesn’t but he really does. He makes some bizarre assertion that he and Tahiry are the only ones who truly understand each other like they’re some kind of star-crossed lovers.
Tahiry’s like, “Whatever. No1curr.”
Tara Sits Face to Face with Amina and Peter Gunz
Rich Dollaz isn’t the only high-yellow negro with a mess to clean up. Peter Gunz is forced to make amends for his sins against Tara and Amina.
And in his defense, Peter seems genuinely contrite and sorry for being a big, lying cheat. He kind of “Aw, shucks” his way through it all, but he does manage to call out Tara, who tries to slap Amina down for not seeing the obvious.
Jumping in to defend his woman, Peter points out that Tara often looked the other way herself, like when he’d not come home for two days at a time. Oop!
Mo’nique in even further by shedding light on the fact that Tara also dated Peter while he was involved with another woman. Mo’nique then cracks Tara’s face by out that the old saying, “How you get ’em is how you lose ’em” applies perfectly to Tara.
“It’s just your turn,” Mo’nique clucks.
Realizing she’s been back into a corner, Tara doesn’t dispute the dose of Karma she’s receiving. It’s a good thing K. Michelle didn’t bother showing up to the reunion. She might’ve busted out into one of her songs in that moment.
Speaking of bursting into song, how about the producers decided that Amina should make her entrance performing her duet with Peter Gunz?
Not gonna lie: Amina’s song was kind of the jam.
But Tara still isn’t a fan and she says she doesn’t wish ill on Amina, but she just can’t support her music career after she snatched her baby daddy right from under her nose.
Speaking of baby daddies, the previews for part 2 of the reunion show Amina whipping out a pregnancy test.
Let’s get ready for child support!