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Tag: trending topics

Todd Orr: Some Things to Know About Man Who Survived Grizzly Bear Attacks

A man in Montana was viciously attacked twice by a bear while out hiking, and his story spread quickly when a Facebook post immediately following the attack went viral.

#ForeverDuncan: Newlyweds Alfred & Sherrell Are the Epitome of Black Love and Relationship Goals

The hashtag #ForeverDuncan tells the story of Alfred and Sherrell Duncan, a beautiful couple who are the epitome of black love and #RelationshipGoals.

#InTrumpsNFL Surfaces On Twitter, Scares Football Fans Everywhere

The trending hashtag has people weighing in on what the state of football would look like if Donald Trump was running the show. And let's just say it ain't pretty.

#BowWowAintBeenPoppinSince: Bow Wow Gets Roasted on Twitter Over His Flop Career

Bow Wow is the new male version of Stacey Dash and Raven Simone. Everybody hates his guts ... so much that out of nowhere #BowWowAintBeenPoppinSince...

#SoGoneChallenge: The Best and Worst Celebrity Freestyles from the “So Gone Challenge”

For reasons unknown, everybody and they mama on social media has been participating in the latest Internet craze, the "So Gone Challenge." The point of...

#GirlIGuessImWithHer: The Hilarious Hashtag for Those Who Are Settling for Hillary Clinton

Black Twitter, an brigade of soldiers armed with mobile apps, GIFs and 140 characters has created yet another another hilariously perfect hashtag: #GirlIGuessImWithHer. With hashtags such as...

#RIPAmy: Delaware Teen Dies After She Was Jumped by Gang of Girls in High School Bathroom

The hashtag "#RIPAmy" is trending on Twitter today following the death of a 16-year-old girl from Delaware who was attacked by a gang of...

#WhereWasBLM: Where Was Black Lives Matter When This Stuff Happened?

In response to a writer slamming #BlackLivesMatter activists for failing to mention the murder of a black child, the satirical hashtag #WherewasBLM was born.

The Internet Gets Into Heated Debate Over Reclining Airplane Seats

To recline or not to recline? The Internet has gone to war yet again for yet another cause, and this time, it's all over reclining...

21 Hilarious Tweets About Things That Don’t Mix

While the best things in life go together like peanut butter and jelly, there are far too many things that are like oil and...

25 Hilarious Tweets About Waffle House and Taco Bell

It's 4 a.m. on the East Coast, and guess what's trending on Twitter? Waffle House and Taco Bell! For some reason, it has become a...

#Jaide Is Trending On Twitter Because A Bully Got Beat Up In WorldStarHipHop Fight Video is known for its ratchet content and fight videos, but one particular fight video has gone viral on Twitter, and it's got EVERYONE...

Joseph Kony 2012 Video and Stop Kony Campaign Goes Viral

As of this very moment, Joseph Kony is arguably the most hated man on earth. But why? How can one person spark so much hate...

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