Jim Jones used the increasingly popular micro-blogging service known as Twitter to keep his followers & fans updated on his ordeal with 5-0. No, not wack ass 50 Cent either. 5-0 as in the cops. The Dipset Capo was arrested Monday morning on an oustanding warrant for a traffic violation in Teaneck, NJ. He was initially stopped for an equipment violation, reports AP, but after searching through his records, police discovered he had an oustanding warrant from the nearby town of Paterson. That’s when they took him into custody, where he let his fans know what was up via his Twitter account:
At 12:24 AM the star revealed he had been stopped in his car by cops, writing: “I decide to drive by myself let’s see how this plays out.”
Later, while he was still in police custody, he downplayed the situation and assured fans he was alright: “Well, it didn’t go the way I wanted I’m in the precinct but I still have my phone they ain’t trippin, they said just procedure.”
After he was released, Jones laughed off his arrest, vowing at 1:53 AM never to make the same mistake again: “The funny part was watching them have to count all the money in my pocket lol I must say they were very cool. And it was a punk ass warrant from 2005 for 120 dollars. Make sure you pay old tickets.”
Ol’ Jimmy posted his $120 and was out! Haha