Using the power of social media, Amanda Bynes — arguably the most sane person on Twitter — has made it known to the world that she would like for Drake to murder her vagina.
I want @drake to murder my vagina
— Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) March 22, 2013
Oddly enough … this is neither the first time Ms. Bynes has tweeted about Drake, nor her first time exhibiting strange behavior on the popular social networking site.
Here are some older tweets from Amanda’s Twitter timeline about Drake:
@drake is a hot fellow 😀
— Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) March 15, 2013
He’s the woman bwahahah
— Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) March 15, 2013
You’ll also recall earlier this month when she tweeted a photo of herself looking like a chola — complete with a messy wig, dimple piercings and heavily caked on makeup.
And of course no one can forget her behavior outside the Internet too — the hit-and-run accidents, the driving while smoking pot, having her driver’s license suspended, not giving a fuck and driving with a suspended license anyway, because YOLO, BITCHES! … and her fleeing Hollywood to NYC to launch her fashion career.
Drake hasn’t responded to Amanda’s generous offer to allow him to slay that pussay … but ol’ girl must have her light-skinned musicians confused though. Drake is the sweet, sensitive type. Chris Brown is the one who said he’s ready to slay the pussy out here in these streets.