Activist and professional football player Colin Kaepernick was presented with the Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award Tuesday night (Dec. 5) during the magazine’s 2017 Sportsperson of the Year show, and the person who presented him with the prestigious award was none other than superstar Beyoncé, whose appearance was a surprise to Kaepernick and everyone else.
Before presenting Kaepernick with the award, Beyoncé thanked him for his “selfless heart” in taking a knee against police brutality and system racism against black people, which sparked a national movement. Though Kaepernick is a talented quarterback, he remains unsigned by an NFL team more than a year after he began taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem before televised football games.
“Colin took action with no fear of consequence or repercussion, only hope to change the world for the better; to change perception; to change the way we treat each other, especially people of color,” Beyoncé said. “We’re still waiting for the world to catch up.”
Queen Bey also addressed critics of the movement who claim that protesting during the anthem is disrespectful to the American flag and the military.
“It’s been said that racism is so American that when we protest racism, some assume we’re protesting America,” she said. “So let’s be very clear. Colin has always been very respectful of the individuals who selflessly serve and protect our country and our communities and our families. His message is solely focused on social injustice for historically disenfranchised people. Let’s not get that mistaken.”
Kapernick embodied Ali’s legacy by accepting the award like the true champ that he is.
“I accept this award knowing that the legacy of Muhammad Ali is that of a champion of the people,” he said in his acceptance speech. “I accept this award not for myself but on behalf of the people, because if it were not for my love of the people, I would not have protested. And if it was not for the support from the people, I would not be on this stage today. With or without the NFL’s platform, I will continue to work for the people because my platform is the people.”
Photos and video footage of the duo instantly went viral on social media, and within hours, Tomi Lahren found herself on the wrong side of a well-deserved Twitter dragging after making a bold attempt at coming for the Queen and Kaepernick.
“Police-hating Beyoncé presents police and America-hating Kappy with a ‘legacy’ award,” she wrote on Twitter along with a photo of the pair. “This is how far we’ve fallen. Wow.”
Police-hating Beyoncé presents police and America-hating Kappy with a “legacy” award. This is how far we’ve fallen. Wow. pic.twitter.com/KIe6IqEQey
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) December 6, 2017
Mind you, this is NOT Lahren’s first time coming for either Beyoncé or Colin Kaepernick; she has criticized the former over everything from her politics to her Super Bowl performance, and she’s used her “platform” to slam the latter on more than one occasion.
Not surprisingly, Lahren was dragged to hell and back by the BeyHive on Twitter for her latest attack.
The Beyoncé jealousy is real. ? Perhaps because she is a beautiful, successful, talented woman and isn't on her parent's insurance?
— Marcella Bianconera (@marcellalaluna) December 6, 2017
Tomi before tweeting pic.twitter.com/TXImr6uBL0
— Juank (@thisisjuank) December 6, 2017
Black-hating @TomiLahren presents racist ass Aryan Barbie views about Black People’s accomplishments and power b/c she has none of her own
— Under His Eye Heaux (@kelleent) December 6, 2017
YOU are an example of how far we’ve fallen.
— Jack Boshoff (@AbpositiveJack) December 6, 2017
— dries (@notaesleftocry) December 6, 2017
Wow… practicing your freedom of speech is “America Hating” to u while regulating firearms which kills thousands on Americans each year is not ! Never understood your logic @TomiLahren
— sharief faraidooni (@MoeFaraidooni) December 6, 2017
Hope solange catches u in the elevator ?????RT @TomiLahren: Police-hating Beyoncé presents police and America-hating Kappy with a “legacy” award. This is how far we’ve fallen. Wow. pic.twitter.com/l1wzj8rj17
— ???????? (@FlexMH_) December 6, 2017
@TomiLahren think of all Beyoncé’s achievements and then remember you’re still on your parents insurance #bloop pic.twitter.com/l7Ut4w6pbs
— Leah Belle (@lucywearsfur) December 6, 2017
I feel like @TomiLahren needs to stfu and stop talking about our queen @Beyonce cause every time she do we always dragging her for the mess cause she is full of ? and always bringing ppl down base off her low self esteem
— ?kvngbey? (@tyrrel_shockey) December 6, 2017
Good to see you're drinking all of the #FauxNews Kool-aid these days. Beyonce & Kaepernick have been very clear that they respect the police. What they protest is the continued racial inequality & unjustified homicides of black men and women at the hands of too many officers.
— Jon Day (@_jonday) December 6, 2017
Girl YOU are the problem. When did Beyoncé say she hated the police??? And when did Kap say he hated America? What I see is two beautiful and courageous people who are standing up to the injustices in America!!!!!
— Tianna Lewis ? (@TiannaLewis5) December 6, 2017
Tomi Lahren when she sees Beyoncé presents Colin Kaepernick with the Muhammad Ali Legacy Award. pic.twitter.com/iRegHkpoNK
— Ri Fingal (@RiFingal) December 6, 2017
Listen Timmy don't be upset that Beyoncè has more beauty and class in one of her extensions than you have ever had. ?????????????????????????????
— Andriel Stewart (@_driel4real) December 6, 2017
Why is this non top lip having bitch @TomiLahren mad @ Beyoncé?
— 1BillionTourGrossBish (@BeyonceStanBish) December 6, 2017
In the words of Beyoncé’s good friend Nicki Minaj, “Watch your man, then you should watch your mouth! Bitches is pressed, administer mouth to mouth!”