If there’s one thing you take away from this article, let it be this: don’t call Arian Foster the N-Word. I don’t know why that needs to be said as the dude’s a beast and you should avoid pissing him off as much as you can, but apparently it does.
TMZ recently obtained footage that shows Foster grabbing a 3 a.m. hotdog in Houston with his brother Abdul and father Carl. The altercation apparently started when Foster made a crack about a local college kid’s shoes. It seemed to be all fun and games until the students thought he took it too far and busted out this gem.
“You’re not even relevant anymore, n****,” the college kid said, according to one onlooker. Let me reiterate, Arian Foster is 6’1″ 229 lbs, and based off the video, that kind of size runs in the family.

The Fosters didn’t appreciate the insult, particularly Abdul, and a scuffle ensued in which at one point, at least one hot dog was thrown (what a waste). Luckily for the college kids, the situation was defused before it got out of hand when someone warned that the cops would be called.