Floyd Mayweather is either starting the #100MillionDollarCheckChallenge or he’s clapping back at T.I.’s recent Instagram shade. I guessing it’s the latter; I mean, ’cause who really has $100 million checks just lying around?
Floyd and Tip beefing for over two years, and the feud got new life after Tip posted a video on Instagram of Kevin Hart clowning Floyd following (or preceding, it’s hard to keep up!) the release of footage showing T.I.’s wife, Tiny Harris, dancing with Floyd at Mariah Carey’s Halloween party.
it’s not surprising Money Mayweather would respond to the IG slam. Floyd took to his own account and blasted “backseat drivers” that are more “worried about another man’s legacy instead of trying to write their own.” The photo attached was an uncashed $100 million check.
Since he noted he will “always have the last laugh” and added “the jokes on you,” many believe the Mayweather’s IG photo was an indirect jab at Tip and Hart for clowning him.
The clapback was pretty good in the beginning. However, the insanely wealthy retired boxer then gets a little superficial and materialistic. Any average 9-5 Joe may even find the post condescending.
“Y’all still have to work however, I’m happily retired… Y’all call them watches, I call them time pieces. Y’all call them boats, I call them yachts. Y’all call them houses, I call them mansions. Y’all charter jets and we own jets.”
This could still be shade at T.I. and all of Mayweather’s haters, but it kinda hurts the strong start he had. But hey – that’s just my thought.
Since the whole “love triangle” and beef dominated entertainment news headlines for the past few days, Tip recently posted an inspirational message on Instagram.
Always accept responsibility for YOUR actions. Learn from them, be better, move forward, be happy!!! Don’t make excuses when the heats on you… always be accountable, & rise above whatever adversity life throws at you. Your past doesn’t define you, your future does. Life has a way of allowing your bad decisions to take you to Gods perfect place for you. All you gotta do is Be Strong & Stay Solid!!!! The FAIL is never as important as the FIX!!!! And Don’t let none of these ratchet-ass low life,miserable morons tell you different. End of msg. #LifesTooShort #DontTripBeHappy
Both men have now said their piece. Maybe Mayweather v Tip is finally coming to the 12th round.