Daniel Caesar found himself on the wrong side of Black Twitter after he made some pretty ridiculous comments about how black folks are way too sensitive and should be more like wypipo.
Last night, the facially challenged Canadian singer hopped on Instagram Live to defend his white friend YesJulz against comments from black people that she’s a culture vulture, and berated his own kind in the process.
Quick backstory: YesJulz (real name: Julieanna Goddard) recently went on the “Easily Offended” podcast and shaded TV personality Scottie Beam and social media influencer Karen Civil for checking her about her wearing a t-shirt with the n-word on it, and was rightfully dragged on Twitter for it.
She also said in a freestyle (which was pretty terrible, tbh):
“Because my ass is fat and my skin ain’t black, I’m the vulture they’re huntin, and yet they never do nothin, they never give back, they keep killing blacks…”
YesJulz’ recent Twitter dragging inspired Daniel Caesar to transform into captain save a hoe and he swooped in to ask black people “why you gotta be so rude?” in defense of his melanin deficient friend.
“Why are we being so mean to Julz?” Daniel said in response to YesJulz’ appearance on the “Easily Offended” podcast.
“Why are we being so mean to white people right now? That’s a serious question. Why is it that we’re allowed to be disrespectful and rude to everybody else and when anybody returns any type of energy to us… That’s not equality. I don’t wanna be treated like I can’t take a joke.”
Relating his feelings back to his recent appearance on John Mayer’s Instagram Live show “Current Mood,” where Dave Chappelle called him “very gay,” Caesar said: “I don’t wanna be treated like a can’t take a joke. I just went through that fucking Chappelle shit and I had to, in the moment, acknowledge that I was being fucking sensitive, and that I need to be able to take a joke just like everybody else. That’s what it is.”
He continued: “People are allowed to say whatever the fuck they want and I’m allowed to feel how I want but am I going to fight them or am I going to accept what they have to say and keep it fucking moving. The only people that I don’t respect and who I think can’t take a joke, I think that they’re less than me. Those are the people who I don’t say my honest opinion around and that’s disrespect.”
He added: “I see what you’re saying that white people have been mean to us in the past, what are you gonna do about that? Tell me what you’re gonna do about that. There’s no answer other than creating understanding and keeping it moving. That’s some biblical shit. You have to bridge the gap.
“Are we winning right now as a culture? Are we popular in society? We’re not. And you can’t win the game by choosing to not accept the winning team’s strategy. You have to acknowledge their strategy and build a strategy on top of that.”
The “Best Part” singer went on to say that “being a victim doesn’t get you paid” and suggested that anyone who doesn’t agree with him should cancel him.
“I’ve said what I’ve said before and y’all tried to cancel me and I apologized like a bitch,” he said. “I don’t believe in that shit ’cause I think you guys are wrong and I think I’m right … and you can cancel me. Don’t listen to my next shit if you think I’m shit … Make me broke, make me suffer for my opinion. I believe in it.”
Needless to say … Black Gollum’s comments didn’t go well with black people, which resulted in him receiving a hilarious Twitter dragging of his own:
Daniel Caesar really fixed his mouth (and I use that phrase very loosely) to say the divide (like his teeth) between blacks and whites are because we are mean to them. I'm shaken to the root (canal).
— Dream Reamer (@KHomatose) March 20, 2019
Daniel Caesar asked us to bridge the gap, when he can’t even bridge his… pic.twitter.com/fYJiKmhGmG
— ??L E A?? (@_MissLeandra) March 20, 2019
I felt bad when I said Daniel Caesar looks like a fruit bat with a beautiful voice but I don't anymore
— MonsterKing (@CerromeRussell) March 20, 2019
Daniel Caesar really gotta chill because honestly…….. pic.twitter.com/Qciqowt3Ky
— lemmedridaboat (@AyeeRenae) March 20, 2019
Daniel Caesar was among the first and only niggas to defend K*nye’s slavery comments and you actually thought he wouldn’t defend Yes Julz?? pic.twitter.com/IexZhZQjQU
— Mother of Draggings (@sydsugoi) March 20, 2019
Things were better for Daniel Caesar when he spoke less and was being mistaken for Tracy Chapman.
— ?????? (@callmedollar) March 20, 2019
Is Daniel Caesar ugly or just unconventionally attractive like Slick W… nvm. pic.twitter.com/eJIekpqzoS
— Que (@rightonQuelive) March 20, 2019
Daniel Caesar sounds like Uncle Ruckus rn pic.twitter.com/n8OMWjgWAS
— Oyeyinka ?? (@Oyenuga_David) March 20, 2019
Ain't know who Daniel Caesar is until now but he already look in like: pic.twitter.com/UbTq1C7NVC
— Boku no Nigga ?? (@Yung_Blasphemy) March 20, 2019
“Cancel me. Make me broke”. – Daniel Caesar
Black Twitter:
pic.twitter.com/Ge88FWbQsW— DJ Heat (@DJHeatDC) March 20, 2019
Good morning to absolutely everyone——but Daniel Caesar.
— Dani With The One N (@IAmDaniCanada) March 20, 2019
Funniest part of this Daniel Caesar shit is that person who commented "DANIEL U ARE A CANADIAN" during that IG live rant
— Beyonce has an uncle named Larry Beyince. Bruh…. (@DragonflyJonez) March 20, 2019
I don't even have any Daniel Caesar in my library to remove. Nothing to cancel. pic.twitter.com/bQpixzqfqY
— Johnetta Elzie (@Nettaaaaaaaa) March 20, 2019
The fact that Daniel Caesar said “why do black people” instead of “why do we” is very telling
— The Movie Critic (@DREUXSUAVE) March 20, 2019
Black Twitter after finding out why Daniel Caesar is trending pic.twitter.com/O6brO6zyzG
— Jock-T Nem (@JockT_Nem) March 20, 2019
Daniel Caesar is literal proof of how black men will let white women say anything to black women and just let it happen. But as soon as the black woman say anything to defend herself here come their raggedy ass trying to defend the white women as if shes the victim.?
— Tiara (@_theycallme_T) March 20, 2019
Daniel Caesar not the hill to die on. Literally nobody called that nigga ugly until today. He was living a privileged life for someone who looks like a foot.
— E. ???? (@LIBGyal) March 20, 2019
Last year a friend told me @desusnice said I reminded him of Daniel Caesar and I didn't even know who that was, but now that i do, I'm gonna have to cancel my Showtime subscription for the disrespect!
— gamay papi (@justbrad) March 20, 2019
what’s wild is that black women were the 1st and main ones defending Daniel Caesar when people came for his unconventional looks and he just… pic.twitter.com/wON3uK0QvF
— k (@ktgonkt) March 20, 2019
Daniel Caesar "Be nice to white people, they're the winning team"
Me: pic.twitter.com/zQCMfKdg7I
— Xtra Loud ? (@xlcomedy) March 20, 2019
Daniel Caesar is morphing into Uncle Ruckus before our eyes pic.twitter.com/8ZQvNQarzq
— World Wide Wavy ? (@Gov_Jo_204) March 20, 2019
Daniel Caesar when he thinks about yesjulz pic.twitter.com/wbcTSljlJ9
— pwr rngr (@OMXR_X_OMXR) March 20, 2019
I shoulda known Daniel Caesar would cape for a white woman after he said strippers in New Orleans don't shake booty like Priscilla do.
That's a white woman name. pic.twitter.com/clNnfrhJok
— 3-23-91/CM Ratchet/3-6 Mafia (@SkywalkersView) March 20, 2019
Daniel Caesar had THE wedding song on LOCK for the next 20 years. Then he wanted to be captain save a ho for YesJulz culture vulture ass.
— Q-Drip (@B_Impeccable) March 20, 2019
daniel caesar side salad is ready to risk his career for a white woman who exploits black ppl and degrade and dehumanize black women. sheesh… i wonder what black men get from saving a white woman from being a complete racist…? … pussy ? cuz pic.twitter.com/x8lYHK3ZVm
— divi.8y ? (@DiviYung) March 20, 2019