With both the Football and Political seasons in full swing right now, it was only a matter of time before a Marvel Team-Up of Twitter took place, and it’s happened in the form of #InTrumpsNFL.
The trending hashtag has people weighing in on what the state of football would look like if Donald Trump was running the show. And let’s just say it ain’t pretty.
#InTrumpsNFL the sale of churros and tacos will be banned at all stadiums. @MidweekMinute
— Tommy Campbell (@MrTommyCampbell) September 14, 2016
#InTrumpsNFL He & Roger Ailes would conduct extreme vetting on all cheerleaders. Repeatedly.
— Scott (@Scottcrates) September 14, 2016
#InTrumpsNFL All scoring plays by brown players will be reviewed. TD will be confirmed upon successful review of birth certificate by refs
— NickfromLI (@NickfromLI) September 14, 2016
Referees throw a confederate flag on the field #InTrumpsNFL
— Mueller is coming ? (@vicsepulveda) September 14, 2016
#InTrumpsNFL teams whine about losing before the game even starts.
— Spence (@SlipperySpence) September 14, 2016
#InTrumpsNFL "We're gonna build a wall on defense and make the opposing teams pay for it!"
— ?Fletchiz Navidad ?? (@Darth_Pingu) September 14, 2016
New helmets and facemasks for all players #InTrumpsNFL pic.twitter.com/HMH3bClgCs
— Zara (@hey_zara) September 14, 2016
#InTrumpsNFL "look at my African Americans over there, on the bench, aren't they amazing?"
— noah (@madebynoah) September 14, 2016
The half-time show is Melania delivering her famous ' I have a dream' speech #InTrumpsNFL
— craig onetweetwonder (@craigflynn1) September 14, 2016
#InTrumpsNFL the footballs are small to accommodate tiny hands
— Hollyn Heron (@HollynHeron) September 14, 2016
All African American players must present a birth certificate before joining. #InTrumpsNFL
— Brandon Cloud (@theclobra) September 14, 2016
Let’s just hope this never comes to pass, or we might see Trump ruin the NFL like he did with the defunct USFL.