The Kaepernick Chronicles continue as Colin Kaepernick repeated his national anthem protest again last night in San Diego. He once again refused to stand, this time with two more players joining him, proving his unexpectedly talked about protest is growing. And still, many continue to come out against Kaepernick, questioning his methods, his commitment, and even his blackness.
Well, last night after the game he put an end to at least two of those. Showing he’s not just an armchair activist, Kap’s putting his money where his mouth is by saying he will give the first $1 million he makes this season to charities that help communities in need.
And if Kaepernick’s fro wasn’t enough to shut Rodney Harrison up, then the new Twitter trend should be — #KapSoBlack. The Twitterverse has come out in storm today using the popular hashtag to prove Harrison wrong and show just how black Kap really is.
#KapSoBlack he sent in a letter saying he'll only stand if they change the anthem to 'knuck if you buck'
— ???? Dexter Thomas (@dexdigi) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack Rachel Dolezal wanna braid his hair & have his babies. pic.twitter.com/vJkfb8Ov52
— Britni Danielle (@BritniDWrites) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack this is how he arrives to practice. pic.twitter.com/9Rjw0hrx76
— Snark Griswold (@mrthompson) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack This is his doorbell. pic.twitter.com/IccHhPYwPC
— Golden Eyes Af (@QuantessentialR) September 2, 2016
Why Colin Kaepernick look like Bushido Brown from the Boondocks?? pic.twitter.com/T0SHNyc7lZ
— J?? (@_jadon__) September 2, 2016
Colin Kaepernick looks like Huey from the boondocks pic.twitter.com/BOuLEc2wOZ
— Kyle Valdes (@622559) September 2, 2016
Colin Kaepernick?
Boondocks Art teacher?
Black Panther?
Or all 3? pic.twitter.com/mT9nnY8Orc— D?j (@Meirdeucetrill) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack u know this is in his house pic.twitter.com/fk2itXvFr8
— Trav NEVER Chills (@SKTV_) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack actual footage of the cabinet under Kaepernick's kitchen sink pic.twitter.com/JMJaCAU34L
— Flint, MI hasn't had clean water since 4-24-2014. (@cultA_KlAsh) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack that some folks are singing the Blues pic.twitter.com/FAYmR6m5AP
— Old Jeezy (@j_jamin) September 2, 2016
"Y'all keep playing wit' me…" #kapsoblack pic.twitter.com/SWG8sdIQx6
— Blackgold347 (@Blackgold347) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack he got #BlackTwitter like HOTEP pic.twitter.com/ft4sc0hbbI
— Old Jeezy (@j_jamin) September 2, 2016
When you stop conforming to the oppressor … We're just trying to be free . ???? #KapSoBlack https://t.co/iZrQcFJ3HU
— K. (@KynnJoDeGr) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack he only talk to girls that keep hot sauce in they bag
— Lil Chink Chink (@Natives_Pat) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack that he and Boo Boo da Fool been kicking way back since Cadillacs on fo flats. pic.twitter.com/b8fWMA3fyQ
— Phoni Stark (@Steph_I_Will) September 2, 2016
#kapsoblack Kris Jenner is on the phone with his publicist RIGHT NOW, arranging a date for Kourtney .
— Cute Christmas Sweater (@unicorninkk) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack he threw a pick and it got stuck in the defenders hair
— Bandcamp Mackie (@SuperGo0od) September 2, 2016
#KapSoBlack he got one drawer in his kitchen looking like pic.twitter.com/cH35lUy8pz
— Jacquelyn Gray (@JacquelynMGray) September 2, 2016
Despite all of this, you know people are going to keep hatin’ on Kaepernick and his protest, but yesterday he did a lot to shut down the haters’ biggest complaints with what he’s doing. And while they’ll still bitch and moan about him not standing, at least they can know that that’s not all he’s doing now.
And if nothing else comes from it, this slew of memes made all of this worth it.