Brandon Davies is a star college basketball player for Brigham Young University, who just so happens to have an “honor code” that states that their students must abstain from premarital sex, among other “unholy” things like alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, “substances,” etc.
And now, 19-year-old Davies has been suspended from the BYU basketball team for the remainder of the season, all because he violated that ridiculous honor code by having premarital sex.
The Utah-based school, operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, recently suspended Davies from tho No. 3 ranked squad, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. Davies, 19, has been dismissed from the team for the rest of the season, but has been allowed to remain in school while the situation is under review by the Honor Code Office.
Davies was “extremely remorseful [and] heartbroken,” the newspaper reports from a source. Cougars teammate Jimmer Fredette says Davies “told us everything. He told us he was sorry and that he let us down. We just held our heads high and told him it was okay, that it is life, and you make mistakes, and you just got to play through it.”
Source: People
We think Davies’ first mistake was signing up to play basketball at a Mormon school that prohibits pretty much everything that makes college enjoyable and memorable. Other than that, we don’t think he did anything remotely wrong. And we bet if they did a little research, they’d find that more students are violating that so-called “honor code” of theirs.