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Tag: sexual assault

John Travolta Denies Sexually Assaulting Cruise Ship Masseur

John Travolta's legal team says that the cruise ship worker who accused the actor of sexually assaulting him is lying, and made the whole...

WTF: Man Accused of Performing Oral Sex On Other Men While They Sleep

27-year-old Dajuan Porter was arrested in Pennsylvania and charged with multiple counts of deviate sexual assault after he was accused of performing oral sex...

Heroic Father Kills Man Who Molested His Daughter, and Gets Away with It

Deputies in Texas say that they are NOT going to pursue charges against a father who used his bare hands to kill another man...

John Travolta’s Flight Records and Costume Designer Says Male Masseur’s Sexual Harassment Allegations Are NOT True

John Travolta's acting career and reputation are in serious jeopardy after two different male masseurs -- one from Los Angeles, the other from Atlanta...

John Travolta Accused of Sexually Assaulting TWO Different Male Masseurs

John Travolta is facing a federal lawsuit from now just one ... but TWO different masseurs (male massage therapists), who both claim the 58-year-old...

Hospital Worker Caught Having Sex with Drunk & Unconscious Patient

A male hospital caregiver in Logan, Utah has been accused of sexually assaulting a male patient who was intoxicated and unconscious, and police say...

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