Is it a girl? Maybe a boy? As it turns out, we may not actually know. Serena Williams took to Twitter to let us know that her sister did NOT accidently reveal the sex of her child-to-be.
During her French Open post-match interview Thursday (Jun 1), Venus Williams seemed to slip and tell the world her little sister was expecting a girl. “She’s going to call me favorite aunt,” Venus said. She then said Serena’s three sisters all hope the baby is named after them.
We all took this as confirmation the tennis great is having a girl. But wait just one minute! Serena says even she doesn’t know the sex of her baby and is waiting for the surprise when she gives birth.
Serena explained she uses “she” or “he” depending on what she needs from her sisters, fiancé or father.
FYI pic.twitter.com/THjs210R24
— Serena Williams (@serenawilliams) June 1, 2017
I don’t know, seems like a quick iOS press release to minimize the speculation. I guess we will know soon enough whether it’s a boy or girl. Serena is expected to give birth in the fall.