People spend a lot of money on a lot of stupid things, but nothing tops what this grown man named Toby Sheldon did with nearly $100,000.
The 33-year-old L.A.-based “songwriter” is a big fan of Justin Bieber, and he says he spent almost $100,000 and the past five years of his life undergoing surgery after surgery just so that he could look like the tween pop idol. Not $1,000, or $10,000 … but $100,000. In this economy.
Only thing is, as you can probably tell, Toby looks nothing like Justin Bieber. Not even close.
This is the part where Jesus weeps and takes the wheel y’all.
Spurred by an acknowledged fear of aging, Sheldon says he’s undergone multiple plastic surgeries, Aquamid injections, and hair transplants “to look like Justin.”
His last time under the knife back in July, Sheldon had the sides of his mouth extended in a controversial procedure known as “smile surgery.”
“It’s Justin’s smile that gives him his youthful look,” Sheldon told the British tabloid Closer.
That particular elective set Sheldon back some $15,000.
“My smile surgery took more than a month to recover from,” Sheldon recalled. “And, after my eyelid surgery, I couldn’t open my eyes for a week.”
Still, Sheldon believes his investment has paid off.
“My friends shower me with compliments,” he says. “They even call me Toby Bieber.”
via: Gawker
Toby needs better friends. You know, or at least someone to tell him who he really looks like: