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Tag: terrorists

St. Petersburg, Russia Subway Bombing: Some Things You Need To Know

The Russian city of St. Petersburg was rocked by an explosion on one of their metro trains. Here are some things you need to know about the Russian bombing.

Donald Trump Applauds Saddam Hussein for Being Good at Killing Terrorists

Donald Trump, the result of an old can of pizza dough that was left out in the heat and its contents exploded all over...

Orlando Nightclub Shooting: Celebs, Politicians React to Deadliest Mass Shooting in U.S. History

Early Sunday morning (Jun 12), an American-born man who pledged allegiance to ISIS opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 50...

Boko Haram Leader Admits to Kidnapping Nigerian Schoolgirls, Says: “I WILL Sell Them”

The group of Nigerian terrorists known as the Boko Haram have now claimed full responsibility for the abduction of at least 276 schoolgirls during...

Over 270 Nigerian Schoolgirls Kidnapped, Reportedly Sold Into Marriage

We've all heard about Donald Sterling's racist comments against black people, and you can't watch the news without hearing about the Malaysian Airlines jet...

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