Mark Zuckerberg is officially a celebrity. The Facebook founder was recently granted a restraining order against a stalker, who Mark says has been sending him creepy messages through Facebook and putting him in fear of his own life.
According to TMZ, Zuckerberg recently filed legal papers claiming 31-year-old Pradeep Manukonda has tried to “follow, surveil and contact Mr. Zuckerberg using language threatening his personal safety” … along with the safety of his girlfriend and his sister.
Law enforcement sources tell us Pradeep had gone to several Facebook offices in Palo Alto attempting to contact Mark to ask for money for his financially-strapped family. According to the legal docs, Facebook security also intercepted Pradeep at Mark’s home on January 24 just as he was about to walk up the front steps.
Cops gave Pradeep a verbal warning — but Mark claims the guy has continued to try to contact him through the mail … even sending flowers to his home with a hand-written letter on January 28. In one of his Facebook messages to Mark, Pradeep writes, “please help me, then I am ready to die for you.” He continues, “Please understand my pain.”
The restraining order states that Pradeep must stay at least 300 yards way from Mark, his sister Randi Zuckerberg and his girlfriend Priscilla Chan. A hearing is scheduled for later this month.
Guess the old sayin is true. Mo’ money, mo’ problems! SMH…