When Theon charged towards the Night King knowing good and damn well he was going to die.
theon running at the night king knowing he's gonna die bc he would give his life to protect bran, his BROTHER BC THEON IS A GREYJOY AND A STARK #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/9SDtYIMufi
— sing me my dunce's tune (@catharted) April 29, 2019
Theon try to attack the night king
Night King:#GameofThrones #BattleOfWinterfell pic.twitter.com/NPmU88Pbq9
— Wallis Texas Black Ranger (@whatevermuzzy) April 29, 2019
The Night King:
Theon: pic.twitter.com/Ot2pCsVf2H
— John Carcione (@JohnCarcione) April 29, 2019
The Night King when Theon charged him #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/0jvNU8pL8u
— Lavender Gooms (@chiefyogi__8) April 29, 2019
Theon Greyjoy shouldn't be ignored, he died defending Bran and tried to take on the Night king alone.One of the bravest. pic.twitter.com/ns4urTSxWU
— Temmychuly (@Lord_Chuly) April 29, 2019