Normally a Facebook post about a registered sex offender being charged for loitering near a playground isn’t funny. But I’ll be damned if a St. Louis County Police Department post isn’t one of the funniest things I’ve seen on the internet in a while.
After they put up this post…
Facebook came out in droves and it was amazing. The comment section isn’t filled with the typical “what a monster!” or “smdh, what’s wrong with people?!” comments. Oh, no. This particular sex offender just received something worse than the condemnation of the internet.
Dude got roasted. Like, Starbucks roasted latte roasted. Like flying into the sun roasted. Like…you know what, just take a look for yourself.
Do you see the dates on most of these posts? Facebook has been mercily roasting this man for four months straight.
I could go on and on for hours with this, as there are currently over 100K comments like these on this post. Go check them out for yourself. But I think one user summed up everything here perfectly.