Gay porn site Men.com and adult film star Johnny Rapid are reportedly offering Pop superstar and Calvin Klein underwear spokesmodel Justin Bieber $2 million to shoot a gay sex scene.
In a video uploaded to YouTube, Rapid says that he will do most of the work and will only need just “a few hours” of Justin’s time.
The video’s caption reads, “Breaking: Now that we’ve all seen his beautiful bulge, it’s about time we see just how much heat Bieber is packing under there!”
None of this sounds like anything close to a good idea, but here are the details (via Billboard):
“I can’t even believe I’m gonna say this, but I have an incredible offer for you, Justin Bieber,” Rapid said. “Men.com and I are offering you $2 million to do a scene with me. Two million, that’s insane! Anyways, it will be easy. I’ll do most of the work: come in for a few hours, then you’re out of here with $2 million. Hope to see you soon!”
For the record, Johnny Rapid does gay porn but identifies as straight. Although his most popular clips appear to find him on the receiving end, his “I’ll do most of the work” comment makes it seem like he’s aiming to take the lead on this project.
We all know that JB isn’t hurting for cash and would probably rather get both his arms and legs cut off before doing gay porn, so this really is a waste of time. Frank Ocean may be a little more fond of the idea though.