A hilariously awful news blooper popped up on the Internet over the weekend purportedly showing a local Fox News reporter who was fired for saying some pretty terrible things about a woman who went missing in Nevada on Friday (Jan 3).
In the extremely NSFW clip (WATCH ABOVE), the reporter guy, apparently unaware that his mic is turned on and he is live on the air, says:
“I don’t care if she’s 20, hell, I’d f*ck her, you can’t say you wouldn’t f*ck her. Maybe that’s what I’ll do when they find her, I’ll go and f*ck her. F*ck her right in her p*ssy.”
The shot then quickly cuts away to a clearly appalled news anchor who apologizes to viewers watching from home before announcing “we are going to switch gears now…”
The clip has gone viral on Fark (via YouTube) LiveLeak, WorldStarHipHop and other popular “sharing” sites, and while some of the sites posting the clip have information about the missing woman, who was reportedly found later on the same day she went missing, none had any info. about the so-called “reporter” who had been “fired” from his “job.”
That’s because there was no reporter who was fired from their job. The whole thing is FAKE.
Apparently the “faux” news clip was edited together with an actual news clip of Spokane, Washington Fox News anchor Kjerstin Ramsing apologizing when reporter Lindsay Nadrich dropped the f-bomb (TWICE) during a summer 2012 segment about strawberries. (STRAWBERRIES.)
Watch that clip here: