Remember when Christopher Brown lost his ever-loving mind in Washington D.C. and assaulted a fan? And then he ran into anger management therapy to hide out from the blowback of the story?
Well, it’s time to play the piper because a California judge has revoked Chris’ probation based on the D.C. incident since a condition of his probation is that he obey ALL LAWS, TMZ reports.
Chris sat in the courtroom with his golden-hued hair and “I’m an innocent nerd” glasses for his courtroom appearance.
While the judge did revoke Chris’ probation, he hasn’t sentenced Chris to jailtime. Apparently, he’s impressed by Chris’ progress in anger management where he’s learning how to team build and complete obstacle courses and stuff.
He could, however, be sentenced to jailtime in February during a planned hearing on the matter.
It would be nice if Chris did a little time in the slammer, but let’s be realistic: Chris’ lawyers will buy him more time or get him off the hook again.
But it’s good that law enforcement is tugging on the high-yellow Pitbull’s leash just a little bit.