#3 – People describe him a “loner,” but he is “smart” and a “quick learner”:

A man who lives next door to the Holmes family told the Associated Press that Holmes was a loner. Tom Mai, a retired electrical engineer, said he spoke to Holmes once in a while, but he seemed shy. Mai was told by Holmes’ mother that he couldn’t find a job after graduating from college in California.
His classmates also say James Holmes was a loner, and was often quiet, but was very smart. “He was a loner,” said a former classmate of Holmes who requested anonymity. “He was quiet.”
Holmes’ lab partner from high school said, “He’s a smart kid … He was great at chemistry,” and “I never figured he’d do anything like this.” Another former classmate remembers Holmes as an “impressive” student. “He is a smart guy and a quick learner,” he added.
#4 – He used three different kind of guns during the shooting, and cops found another in his car:
According to the Aurora PD, During his brutal assault that has so far left 12 people dead, and 59 others injured (with 11 in critical condition), James Holmes was in possession of three guns — an AR-15, a Remington 870 shotgun and a 40 caliber glock handgun.
Cops say they also found another .40 caliber glock in his car, which was located right outside the movie theater.
FYI: An AR-15 (a civilian version of the M-16 assault rifle) is a semi-automatic weapon capable of firing off hundreds of rounds per minute.