Game landed himself in hot water with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department recently for allegedly sending out their number to the his 580,000+ followers in a tweet that said he was looking for an intern.
In response to being inundated with calls, the Sherrifs Dept. went into investigation mode, and were led back to the rapper’s Twitter account, where Captain Mike Parker wrote:
“@TheGame Plz delete Tweet off UR wall of phone# that begins with 310. This is compromising public safety. Hi # calls (sic)”. He continued “@TheGame U Tweeted phone# of #LASD #Compton Sheriff & said 2 call 4 internship when there is none. Lg.vol.calls R compromising publicsafety (sic).”
The Compton native erased the prank tweet around midnight on Friday and the following day posted this comment on Twitter:
Yall can track a tweet down but cant solve murders. Dat was an accident but maybe now yall can actually do yall job !!!! #iSpeak4ThePeople (sic)
According to reports, the LASD is now considering filing charges against Game for obstructing/delaying a police officer in their performance of duties.
“They don’t have my number and I’m not following the police” Game told TMZ. “Casey Anthony can get away with murder and The Game goes to jail for tweeting. God bless America,” he said.