A spokesperson for Jay-Z has confirmed that the rapper is planning to pen an autobiography. The book will reveal the star’s rapping secrets, his days as a drug dealer on the street, and probably most important to the media, his wedding and marriage to Beyonce. Though the secretive pair made a pact not to speak publicly about their relationship, the rapper will finally open up about his life with Beyonce and offer an inside look into how the pair came to be.
We will definitely be looking for the parts about the marriage in the book! Beyonce and Jay-Z are probably one of the oddest pairs in Hollywood yet somehow, they work perfectly together and even dated longer than some celeb couples are married. So we’ve all basically grew to love them as a couple. And we’re betting Beyonce will be the first person to read and approve what he writes before it goes out. You know, just to make sure Jay doesn’t reveal TOO much info. We all know how private she is..