During what was supposed to be a campaign speech in support of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney Thursday afternoon (Jan 5) in Charleston, South Carolina, Senator John McCain slipped up with his wording, and accidentally endorsed President Barack Obama.
“I am confident with the leadership and the backing of the American people, President Obama will turn this country around,” Senator McCain said confidently.
“We believe in America. We believe that our best days are ahead of us…” old man McCain continued, not even realizing that he hadn’t said ‘Mitt Romney.’
SC governor Nikki Haley and Mitt Romney noticed the error though, and quickly moved in to take the mic away from the geriatric senator, who finally corrected himself, saying, “President Romney. Excuse me! President Romney. President Romney will turn this around…”
So just to clear things up, the crazy old man is endorsing Mitt Romney … and not President Obama, which would have been pretty epic though, right?
[Fox 11]