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Tag: Black Twitter

Keke Palmer Called Out By Black Twitter for Supporting “All Lives Matter” Statement

The recent police shootings Alton Sterling and Philando Castile have brought out some emotional and heartfelt messages from many celebrities. However, the "All Lives...

Wendy Williams Dragged on Twitter for Dissing Jesse Williams, HBCUs and the NAACP

Wendy Williams, what you doin’? The talk show host is known to make some shady and/or controversial statements. However, her take on the petition to...

#GirlIGuessImWithHer: The Hilarious Hashtag for Those Who Are Settling for Hillary Clinton

Black Twitter, an brigade of soldiers armed with mobile apps, GIFs and 140 characters has created yet another another hilariously perfect hashtag: #GirlIGuessImWithHer. With hashtags such as...

#WhereWasBLM: Where Was Black Lives Matter When This Stuff Happened?

In response to a writer slamming #BlackLivesMatter activists for failing to mention the murder of a black child, the satirical hashtag #WherewasBLM was born.

Meek Mill Calls Drake Out for Not Writing His Own Raps, Names Alleged Ghostwriter

Meek Mill, boyfriend of Nicki Minaj, just released a new album -- an album that Drake, his girlfriend's superstar label mate, apparently refuses to...

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