A video has gone viral showing the moment a Black man used a can of Twisted Tea to slap the life out of a white man who thought it was OK for him to say the n-word over and over again.
The incident unfolded inside a convenience store in Ohio last week, Daily Dot reports.
Apparently, the unidentified white man—who appeared to be EXTREMELY inebriated—had said the n-word before the video started rolling and was being confronted by the Black man who looked to be in the process of purchasing a number of items, including a can of Twisted Tea—an alcoholic beverage.
“I’ma say n***a all day, every day. Are you kidding me?! … You a clown n***a! On God, nigga, you a clown, n***a!” the drunk white man said to the Black man, who then proceeded to grab a Twisted Tea and pondered over whether or not to use it.
“What? You gonna smack me with that?” the drunk (and apparently stupid as well) white man asked. “Smack me with it. Smack me! Smack me, n***a!”
After the Black man mistakenly dropped the Twisted Tea can on the ground while trying to flip it over in his hand, the white man tried to kick it and missed, hitting the product display below the cash register, which then set off a physical confrontation that started with the can making contact with the side of the white man’s face and ended with the white man on the ground being punched in the head repeatedly by the Black man.
JeeeeeeZUS LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO pic.twitter.com/2P76jlT0sf
— Terence (@terencessb) December 24, 2020
I guess you can say the Black guy literally opened up a can of whoop-ass on the white guy, amirite?
After the footage went viral, Twitter did what it does best and memed the hell out of the situation, making “Twisted Tea” become a worldwide trending topic in the process.
Dave Matthews Band- Twisted Tea Marching pic.twitter.com/66YYIdjJKT
— spreezy F baby and the F is for “fuck?” (@FPSpr33zy) December 28, 2020
What is even going on right now with this Twisted Tea lmao ? pic.twitter.com/UmawgmyqVP
— Chad (From the Republic of Chad) (@from_republic) December 28, 2020
Smack That ft. DJ Twisted Tea pic.twitter.com/1I26howada
— Kyle Hurley (@kylehurley24) December 26, 2020
This one is my favourite so far, and I usually hate Phil Collins!
.#Repost via IG @stevebeck_wwizard
???#meme #philcollins #intheairtonight #twistedtea #smackintheface #fight #gasstation #edit #merrychristmas pic.twitter.com/m3M3RTXw2n— Jason G (@JGinCobbleHill) December 26, 2020
You know I keep that muhfuckin Twisted Tea with the extendo on me. pic.twitter.com/6SE0qZzJIa
— juice wayne (@visecs) December 28, 2020
Twisted tea memes are my new favorite pic.twitter.com/s9RJGQcssf
— Andrew (@ItsJustEdge) December 27, 2020
This is by far my favorite Twisted Tea meme thus far ? pic.twitter.com/wXlA8GmiLz
— The Dude (@Christraint) December 28, 2020
When the cop ask me if I have any weapons in my car #TwistedTea pic.twitter.com/BjEzh04yuu
— Dangpapicito (@JonyBeats) December 27, 2020
Nah that twisted tea hits differently no cap pic.twitter.com/tIVabQRtzV
— Norm Cousy (@n_cousy) December 28, 2020
I can be your Ocean Spray
I can be your Twisted Tea pic.twitter.com/UJHUeRAxHz— JoseJorge (@ElJorge_96) December 28, 2020
me in the back of the function knowing I got a twisted tea on me pic.twitter.com/vjM45Odo43
— I Rob Trump Supporters (@girthalomew) December 28, 2020
Me leaving the function when I see someone come in with a twisted tea unprovoked pic.twitter.com/lxJgjoEbpq
— jacksavage (@Jacksavagebox) December 28, 2020
The Twisted Tea tho… which one of you niggas did this??? ???? pic.twitter.com/XsK5MamTuB
— Blacktastic (@CuteQ100) December 28, 2020
pls enjoy my contribution to the twisted tea memes pic.twitter.com/O8wYkg3lBg
— ???? (@kailovesjjong) December 28, 2020
When your friend brings twisted tea to the party #TwistedTea pic.twitter.com/YKWAE4tL7b
— Champain (@Ps5_4_Luv) December 28, 2020
These twisted tea memes are hilarious LMAOO pic.twitter.com/WFqzQkddzg
— Mazin Ansari (@whupjr) December 29, 2020
BRB going to be laughing at Twisted Tea memes for the rest of the night. pic.twitter.com/X505Tfqha8
— Brian Petro ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? (@SmartGuyInATie) December 29, 2020