Another day, another B. Simone dragging.
This time, it’s because people have discovered that a number of passages from her best-selling book “Babygirl: Manifest The Life You Want” were stolen.
B. Simone became a worldwide trending topic on Twitter Saturday (Jun. 13) for the third time in recent weeks after someone pointed out that a lot of the stuff she put in her “book” was taken without credit (i.e. plagiarized) from other content creators.
“Would love for @TheBSimone to STOP taking small content creators’ hardwork and selling it as her own!!!” tweeted a woman named Ell Duclos, who founded the 41,000+ strong community of female bloggers called “BossGirlBloggers.”
She added: “Disgusting. This is not entrepreneurship. This is PLAGIARIZING.”
Her tweet was accompanied by a side-by-side screengrab of a self-help guide she wrote herself called “50 Questions to Find your Best Self” and a screenshot of a section from B. Simone’s book which is literally the exact same thing (minus 20 questions), word-for-word.
Would love for @TheBSimone to STOP taking small content creators’ hardwork and selling it as her own!!!
Disgusting. This is not entrepreneurship. This is PLAGIARIZING. pic.twitter.com/CCSQ88A85e
— Ell // BossGirlBloggers (@BGbloggers) June 13, 2020
However, that was just the tip of the iceberg.
Several other Twitter users continued to call B. Simone out for ripping off other female content creators while providing undeniable examples of her plagiarism.
She stole from me too! I have screenshots! https://t.co/lsn9IFdntJ
— Haylie Ellison? (@themorningbuzz_) June 14, 2020
@Vision_Preneur FYI. Sorry I didn't find you before, had to go digging for your Twitter.
— Blogging With Grace (@BlogsWithGrace) June 13, 2020
Went on Pinterest and found this exact page… pic.twitter.com/PW8UX0gOSk
— Symfani Gibson (@iamsymm) June 14, 2020
We just bought their book and found at least 3 pages so far that are exact copies of our printables…even the font. ??? I mean, they could have at least modified them a bit, but no. pic.twitter.com/N0ir1J9azo
— Happiness Planner® (@happinessplannr) June 13, 2020
I know it might not appear to be much aside from a listicle but I've poured my heart and soul into my blog and writing for 10 years, and I don't appreciate being ripped off time and time again. https://t.co/BUojewX8g2
— Janine Ripper (@janineripper) June 14, 2020
And this ain’t the first time B. Simone has found herself atop Twitter’s trending topics either.
In fact, it was just a few days ago that she was being dragged for saying that she doesn’t want to date a man who works a 9-5 because she’s an entrepreneur and he wouldn’t understand her “hustle.”
And before that, she ended up on the wrong side of cancel culture for her comments about the global protests against racial injustice and police brutality:
“I’m not living to please man. I’m here to please God at the end of the day… I am a CHRISTIAN! I’m God fearing, I have to answer to him! I’m going to ask myself WWJD not what an angry black woman do! I am angry but i am also trying to be Godly.”
B. Simone get on the internet lusting after Da Baby everyday, joking about sucking/sexing on her exes, and did a whole show where she said to a contestant that she cannot wait until she’s married to have sex but rioting for BLM goes against her Christianity ?
— hate it here? (@DESTIINYYS) May 31, 2020
And this is what she said about being “canceled.”
I’ll never be “canceled” I’m doing my part! Period i don’t need twitters validation . A damn app … plz https://t.co/xLLn864ulK
— B.Simone (@TheBSimone) May 31, 2020
Now, she’s being dragged all over again for previously bragging about being a millionaire and then coming to find out, one of the things that helped her get there (i.e. her book, which reportedly sold thousands of copies just hours after it was released) was full of stolen content.
B. Simone …. PLAGIARIZED that flimsy pre-k scrapbook she was selling for $30???????? She stayed up til 3am doing that????? pic.twitter.com/qeSUGXIJGg
— BLACK LIVES MATTER (@TheNerdyEsq) June 13, 2020
b simone is in a whole mess now and someone said she'll need a 9-5 lawyer to get her out of it pic.twitter.com/4GJWmYojt0
— Binta ; (@allegreea) June 13, 2020
B Simone really made y’all pay $33 for a book made out of shit she stole off Pinterest. I have to laugh.
— Maya Angelique? (@moneyymaya) June 13, 2020
B. Simone was anti violence/looting because she was stealing with a computer she already had.
— AGD. (@TheLexGabrielle) June 13, 2020
B.Simone didn’t even shuffle the questions around. We learned that in elementary school when we copied Timmy’s homework. Imagine being up at 3am stapling and stealing.
— ?????? (@callmedollar) June 13, 2020
Wait. B Simone shitted on protesters and 9 to 5 workers while making a million dollars off stolen Pinterest content? This was not on my 2020 BINGO card.
— call gunna if you want you a birkin (@KiaSpeaks) June 13, 2020
B. Simone ruined her entire career in 2 weeks. Impressive.
— Jazmine (@_JayyElle) June 13, 2020
Ch… this B. Simone girl done yapped herself right into a heap of trouble.
— king crissle (@crissles) June 13, 2020
Chile I know B.Simone didn’t wake up thinking she would be sued today… lmfao
— Talcum X (@evelynvwoodsen) June 13, 2020
B. Simone, the B is for B-eing sued??
— nathan (@868nathan) June 13, 2020
B. Simone lost all her credibility AND got called out for plagarizing in a week’s time just because she felt too good to date a man that works a 9 – 5.
I know she embarrassed. pic.twitter.com/qKgvISq9fw
— Ronald Isley (@yoyotrav) June 13, 2020
Before this latest debacle, folks were already calling B. Simone out for essentially putting together a scrapbook and charging folks $30 for it.
@TheBSimone this is you selling poorly made scrapbooks? ? pic.twitter.com/liyt36wb1f
— Kadesha (@DeshaDiorr) June 11, 2020
Who’d have thought B.Simone’s statements about the entrepreneur lifestyle would attract attention to her book quality which made people realize it was then, plagiarized in the first place
Shit really coming full circle
— June 5th (@OnlyOneChanc) June 13, 2020
Whew, chile … three separate draggings in just under three weeks. You love to hate to love to see it.