Police said Wendy Williams’ son Kevin Hunter Jr. was arrested for assault after the 18-year-old got into a fistfight with his father.
According to TMZ, a fight broke out between Kevin Hunter Sr. and his son, Kevin Jr., early Wednesday morning (May 22) in a store parking lot near the family’s home in New Jersey.
Sources connected to the family tell TMZ, Wendy took 18-year-old Kevin Jr. to the home … he was there to pick something up. Wendy left and was coming back a short time later to pick him up.
We’re told Kevin Jr. did not know his dad was in the house, but we’re told everything was cool between them and they ended up going to a store together just after midnight.
The altercation apparently began after Kevin Jr. confronted his father for requesting spousal support from Wendy following their divorce.
Kevin Sr. then accused Kevin Jr. of being brainwashed by his mother and allegedly attacked him. Kevin reportedly put his son in a headlock and Kevin Jr. is said to have punched his father in retaliation.
More via TMZ:
Sources with knowledge of the argument say Kevin Sr. has urged his son for a long time to carve his own path to success.
We’re told things bubbled over Tuesday night when the conversation continued, and Sr. told Jr. he needed to work hard on his own and without Wendy’s handouts.
Police confirmed they were investigating an “incident” between Kevin Sr. and Kevin Jr., and later revealed that the latter had been arrested for assault.
Kevin Sr. later said in a statement: “I love my son very much and I will not be pursuing this matter legally. Things are not always how they appear” … which basically means that he won’t be pressing any further charges against his son.