While the internet is a big, amazing place, there’s something particularly fascinating about Twitter, which is essentially the internet’s watering hole.
As often happens there, lightning in a bottle was caught when Twitter user Conor Arpwel sparked a fiery debate with a simple poll that asked: Do you wash your legs when you take a shower?
Do you wash your legs when you take a shower?
— Conor Arpwel (@Arpwel) May 9, 2019
The majority of the respondents (80% in fact) said they did wash their legs but a sizable minority (20%) said that they don’t.
The reasons for why the 20% opted not to wash their legs were mainly focused on some variation of “the soap from their upper body runs down their legs and cleans them.”
Which … is faulty logic, if we’re being kind. Black Twitter seized on this trending topic and quickly weighed in on how appalling and disgusting it was that so many people were comfortable not washing their legs when they shower.
How does a human get in the shower and only wash "Part" of them? Like what kind of half-ass life are people living??
— Derrick N Ashong (@DNAtv) May 10, 2019
The same people talking about they don't wash their legs when they shower are the same ones that don't wash their meat before cooking it. ?
— Nneka ?? (@Neek_Nneek) May 11, 2019
Me while out, silently judging folks and wondering if they wash their legs. And what else they certainly don’t wash…??? pic.twitter.com/Edz3ICPrvs
— Whitney Alese (@TheReclaimed) May 11, 2019
And then, the conversation over the next few days veered from not washing legs to not washing your feet.
Alright, this has already sparked a lot of talk here and brought up a follow up question: Do you wash your feet? I'll admit, I don't usually wash the bottoms of my feet because a)they're already in all the soapy water at the bottom & b) it makes it scary slippery! Your thoughts? https://t.co/CTAlAyjslD
— Katie Alexander (@KatieNews4) May 16, 2019
And that sent black Twitter even further into a spiral of dismay and discomfort.
No wonder people keep getting athletes foot. I used to be surprised but this explains it. Obvs if you arent washig you legs, you definitely aren't washing your feet let alone between your toes
— Miss. Mugadza (@queenjazzheart) May 11, 2019
The same people that dont wash their legs probably dont use wash cloths either. ? pic.twitter.com/QAec8Z4Ntb
— Spooky Queen ? (@Skittle_Kookie) May 11, 2019
I’m still dead about people not washing their legs. Talmbout “it don’t get that dirty”. As if dead skin cells aren’t a thing LMAOOOOOOO pic.twitter.com/d85gry5GHR
— Clarkisha Kent: It Should Have Been Yeehaw Barton (@IWriteAllDay_) May 16, 2019
Auntieana, who was tired of the whole thing, summarized things perfectly:
Look. I'm tired of y'all. Wash your legs. Wash your fucking feet. Bathe regularly.
And when you wash your hands, say your ABCs because that is how long you should be washing them.
In summation, stop being gross, you nasty bastards.
— Auntieana (@thejournalista) May 17, 2019