A West Virginia jury recently awarded a woman nearly $17 million after she was injured at Walmart while workers chased after a shoplifter.
The jury’s verdict was issued in Wood County, West Virginia on Monday, March 4th, 2019.
53-year-old Dine Ankrom was shopping with her granddaughter at a Walmart store in W.V. when all of a sudden she and the child were knocked to the ground when a shoplifter ran into her shopping cart.
Ankrom’s lawyer said when fell to the ground, the cart landed on top of her. As a result, the woman suffered internal injuries that required surgeries, her lawyer said.
While a spokesman for Walmart said they were sympathetic to Ankrom’s injuries, they believe the shoplifter should be held responsible, not them.
The company said they were evaluating post-trial options, including possibly an out-of-court settlement.
For what it’s worth, the jury found Walmart 30 percent responsible and the shoplifter 70 percent responsible, but it wasn’t clear how the money would be split.
Regardless … $17 million is a LOT of money, injured or not.
We’re sure lots of people would love to get hurt at Walmart if they knew they could get $17 million for it.
via: Associated Press