Let me tell you story about Ayana the Diva of Atlanta. Ayana recently started a new job and instantly clicked with one of her co-workers. They have a similar personality, similar interests, and live in the same neighborhood. They even have similar tastes in men. Maybe a little too similar, in fact.
You see, last week, Ayana found out that she and her new work bestie were seeing the same dude after the co-worker started gushing of over her fine boo to Ayana and everybody else they work with. But what this lady didn’t know is that her “fine man” was Ayana’s boyfriend of three years and they lived together.
When a girl wants to show you a picture of her fine nigga in her phone and she starts pullin up YOUR mans IG page ? pic.twitter.com/kR5HQz7AKi
— Bodak Pink? (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
Instead of confronting her co-worker on-sight, Ayana played along and hatched a cunning plan to expose her cheating boyfriend. The epic tale has become the latest Twitter story to go viral and she can tell it better that I can, so sit back and be captivated by #SameBae.
So I just started this new job like 2 weeks ago. All my coworkers been pretty cool. But it’s this one girl who I literally just clicked with
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
We act alike, have the same taste in men. (I know this because when they come in the door we both be lookin at each other like) pic.twitter.com/RYNyWwzr9D
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
So last week I had a guest who all my female coworkers (hell the men too) were going crazy over. I, didn’t think he was all that ..
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
And neither did she. She was like “I know a nigga that looks way better than him.” We we’re on different sides of the restaurant ..
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
(We’re servers by the way). So she was just showing everyone the pic of him and they was all like yeahhh he fine he do look good blah blah
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
Mind you this was LAST week. & we had got busy so I never got to see the picture. So tonight, a fine ass CHOCOLATE MAN with a BEARD walks in
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
We give each other the look again. Because we obviously both think he’s cute. When he leaves she says “that man was so fine” I’m like yessss
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
She goes “I forgot to show you the boy I was talkin bout last week” so she pulls out her phone, opens the instagram app….
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
The FIRST name in her search bar was my boyfriend’s Instagram page … pic.twitter.com/o6NjO5pTrI
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
In my head im literally praying she doesn’t click on his page ……..
But she does pic.twitter.com/zgVM9MnxIE
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
So I keep it cool and I’m like oh that’s (his name) …. you know him???
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
I ain’t saying his name on here cuz y’all be real quick ?
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
In an interview with Complex, Ayana explains this isn’t the first time she’s had a boyfriend cheat on her, but she wanted to approach the situation with a different tactic this time around.
“Not the first time I’ve been cheated on. And I ALWAYS react first, and ask questions later. When you do that you usually don’t get the answers you need.
“I decided to just let her do all the talking. I wanted to get everything I needed then decide how I should proceed. This was honestly the best way for me. Sad I had to bring her in the middle of it though.”
Anyway she like “yeahhh I know him, how you know him?” I’m like no how YOU know him ???? (Laughing and being all fake smiling n shit) pic.twitter.com/WBSe0nfZHI
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
She goes “girl that is my booooo” I let her get it out cuz I wanted her to tell me as much stuff as she could before I made my announcement
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
So she’s like ain’t he fine , ain’t he fine. Omg how you know him. I just simply replied “we went to middle school and high school together”
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
So I’m like ” so that’s just your boo or your boyfriend” I’m still smiling acting so interested pic.twitter.com/U3mz6bvKSr
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
She goes “girl that’s just my boo but we talk everyday we might as well be together” pic.twitter.com/yANDaG3TzS
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
So I’m still playing it cool like omgggg that’s crazy this world is sooo small. Just as I was about to call an Uber . I just decided to ask
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
Her where she lives … she was like I’m in Ellenwood .
I was like omg me too I’m off exit 5
She was like omg me too! pic.twitter.com/wGPfuvOfSd— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
So I ask her what is she doing tonight ?
“She was like nothing”
I was like girl come to my house and have a drink !!
She was like okay cool— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
The gag is my boyfriend lives with me ?
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
So we hop in the car & she telling me about him & all the good times they’ve been having for the past year (we been together for 3 btw)
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
My boyfriend works at night and gets off at like 1 am so my plan was to have him walk in and see us there. As we’re pulling up to my complex
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
She goes “bitch omggg I live here”
Now I’m mad af but I’m keeping calm. It’s just hard as hell now. But anyway I’m like “omg WHAT?!”— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
Ayana explained her anger about learning this detail to BET News.
“I had my suspicions but this just took the cake. I will say he did not know we worked together. But the fact that she literally lived right down the street from me meant he had absolutely no respect for me even possibly finding out.”
She’s like “yessss girl this is my neighborhood omfg I’m about to be over your house everyday”
In my head I’m like pic.twitter.com/eJW2iw6Eo0— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
But this DOES answer the question if she’s ever been to/in my house. Which she hasn’t cuz I’m sure she woulda said something
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
So I go “does your man live on this side too? I live with mine maybe we can double date” she’s like no he lives an hour away I’m like ? pic.twitter.com/3z0oIsT2Pk
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
So girl we pull up at my house she’s like this is crazy im only 6 houses down the street (let me find out this nigga be walking to her crib)
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
Anyway. We’re getting out the car and I see the tv light through the front door. THIS NIGGA HOMEEE hmmm. So I decide to go in through
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
The garage to see if the car is in it and yep. So I’m low key hype. I’m like “oh girl I didn’t know MY babe was home you can meet him”
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
I walk in fast af . pic.twitter.com/X1rxsAVayv
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
This nigga in the bathroom. ?????. So I’m like cool. She sits down& I start pouring us glasses of wine. She’s like “your house is so pretty”
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
I’m all smiling like thanks boo pic.twitter.com/UVRggyoUjf
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
I hear him yell from the bathroom like “bae that’s you”
“I’m like yea my coworker here we’re about to drink , come join us when you done”— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
This nigga comes out the bathroom and comes in the kitchen and sees her … THEIR FUCKING FACES WERE PRICELESS DO YOU HEAR ME!!!
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
His dumb ass gone say “what’s up how are you” … she sick af in the face looking at him like pic.twitter.com/0FfwWteKRQ
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
She then looks at me and goes “Really Ayana? Why didn’t you just tell me ?? This is embarrassing I wouldn’t have done you like this”
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
I’m like “I WoULdNt HaVe dOnE yOu LyKdIs” pic.twitter.com/5wHybEKemq
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
I basically just say “thanks for the ride girl. No hard feelings , you can keep the glass” she really kept my shit and walked out ????
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
Now he lookin at me like pic.twitter.com/aCdSo4hFQM
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
I look at him and go “really nigga???? 6 fucking houses down??? Are you fucking stupid or something ????”
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
So to fill in the gaps in case you’re confused. Me and the girl are BOTH new to the job so he didn’t know she worked there yet.
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
In case you’re wondering he has left the building. I’m currently taking a break from packing up his shit to tweet this story ?
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
And no im not concerned with him not having anywhere to go… she does only live 6 houses down. ????????.
— IG: AYANATHEDIVA (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
????? pic.twitter.com/Setf78FBj9
— Bodak Pink? (@AyanaTheDIVA) September 10, 2017
Ayana says she is done with her now-ex-boyfriend. With the exception of a text telling him to collect his stuff she’s packed, they’re not on speaking terms. The 26-year-old revealed to Complex she refuses to be played like she has in the past.
“I mean guys have cheated on me in the past. But I’m older now. I’m a college graduate and a business owner. I feel like I have grown up so much since my past relationships. I have learned so much about myself and my limits. I chose me this time.”
She has even worked things out with her co-worker, even apologizing for involving her in the viral Twitter rant.
“My coworker is very sweet. She had no idea. I was never mad at her. She has seen the thread and I apologized for not letting her know before hand. I also apologized to her for having to relive the moment via social media. She seemed forgiving.”
It’s unfortunate Ayana’s heartbreak has become a viral story for out entertainment, but at least she’s taking it in stride and growing from the horrible situation.