The very volatile, unkempt, ratchet and rowdy woman that the world knows as Blac Chyna’s mother is ready to embrace her second grandchild. And she can’t wait to do so with her soon to be in-law, Kris Jenner.
Tokyo Toni, whose gap teeth could fit a Snorlax between them, used to shade Kris Jenner earlier this year when she thought Kris and the Kardashian clan were unfairly shunning her daughter. But now that they’ve patched things up and become one big happy family, Tokyo is ready to hold hands with Kris.
Here’s the problem though: Kris ain’t give Tokyo her phone number, so the best thing that Tokyo can do is an Instagram shout out.
I mean, I guess the gesture is nice, but girl, you look mad desperate, boo. Love yourself.
Oh, and go ahead and ask Blac Chyna for Kris’s number so you can text her instead of collaging photos of you and your maybe in-law together for Instagram likes.