Since Solange stepped into her own, she has unapologetically owned her blackness and empowered women of color. The singer recently gave a powerful and much-needed word on Twitter about why black women feel unsafe in “white spaces.”
The 30-year-old, along with her husband, 11-year-old-son and his friend attended a concert in New Orleans. Seeing the German electronic band, Kraftwerk, Solange says they were four of about 20 black people out of 1,500 concertgoers.
Solange was dancing and getting her life until older white women demanded her to “sit down now!” When she didn’t, they resorted to throwing something at her back. It turns out it was a lime.
However, this incident prompted Solange to share the experience on social media and explain why black women often feel unsafe and dismissed the notion that black women “bring the drama.”
Let me tell you about why black girls / women are so angry….
— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
I took my son, his friend, and my husband to see Kraftwerk in New Orleans…
Was very excited to dance and enjoy a band I love.— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
We are 4 of about 20 black concert goers out 1500 here.
4 out of maaaybbe 20 out of 1500.— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
We walk in, and one of my favorite songs, Machine, is on. I’m excited to tell my son about how hip hop sampled Kraftwerk. We are dancing.
— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
4 older white women yell to me from behind, “Sit down now” . I tell them I’m dancing at a concert. They yell, “u need to sit down now”…
— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
We are at an ELECTRONIC and DANCE music concert and you are telling…not asking me…to sit down. In front of my child.
— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
They proceed to throw something at my back….
— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
Now back to me & my husbands favorite song
“Autobahn” ….& not giving a fuck about you lovely ladies so mad this lil black girl having fun?— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
My son just confirmed it was a lime. Smh https://t.co/5HnUOP85db
— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
She later gave an update after the white women began dancing as well. However, Solange continued to stress why it’s important to speak out when you find yourself in situations like this.
Cuz chile they are standing up dancing now ,moving on w their lives….so ¯\_(?)_/¯ https://t.co/V47tl3E0pE
— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
Peeps try to give POC, a “u can only speak out racism 3 strikes…or U r the problem” card.
Some can kind of trust u the first 3 times…— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
But surely after that, YOU are the problem.
??? Surprise guys! ??
It happens to us ALL summer 16 ?? ??— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
And last thing…
I see folks saying “Well u live in Louisiana”….but I say I live in a city w THE most incredible, beautiful black. folk.— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) September 10, 2016
Now, you know you can’t speak truth about race, especially black women, without some white tears being shed. Several butt-hurt white people responded to Solange’s tweets. But don’t worry, she put them on blast too!
Thanks to that infamous elevator video, we know Solange is not the one to mess with. I’m glad she called these white women out for trying to tear a black woman down. Solange has become a powerful voice in uplifting the black community, specifically black women, and I hope she continues.