Fooled me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me for 13 years? Damn, that’s a dumbass bitch.
Tara Wallace has been waiting in the wings for Peter Gunz to ask for her hand in marriage for 13 frickin’ years. In that time, she has borne him two children and they’ve lived together like husband and wife.
When Amina, his so-called artist, revealed to Tara that she was more than his musical show pony, but in fact his wife, Tara saw red. She’s been punching, kicking and screaming like a madwoman since found out that Peter was boning Amina and in episode 4, we get more of Tara’s Incredible Hulk act.
One thing I want to flag here again: Tara hits Peter. A lot. I don’t know if this is indicative of what went on in their relationship, but I don’t like the fact that Tara feels it’s ok for her to put her hands on Peter. If he snapped in a split-second after she wailed on him, he’d be cast as a villain. It’s NOT okay for a woman to hit a man repeatedly. It’s just not okay.
At one point, Peter warns Tara not to hit him anymore. She doesn’t seem to take his request seriously.
Did she beat on Peter like this before the cameras were rolling? No wonder he’s chasing after a softer, gentler kind of lady.
In an attempt to inject more drama into this whole crazy love triangle, Mona Scott-Young has Tara “purge” herself of Peter by tossing all of his stuff out on the street and rolling around in distress.
You can tell this is scripted because none of their kids are in any of these scenes. But fake drama is just as good as real-life drama, so here we are. After trashing Peter’s things, cursing him out and sobbing her eyes out, Tara tells Peter he’s no longer welcome in her house and she doesn’t want to see him for a long time. He responds with a puppy dog face and says, “I love you.”
It’s hard to say where or how this story will have a happy ending, but let’s pray for these trie to eventually find peace amid all of this toxic-grade mess.
Rich and Erica Mena Are Back in Business
Erica Mena and her so-called girlfriend, Cyn, have each other’s back as well as the front.
I don’t know if Cyn and the show’s producers nabbed a sponsorship with Chipotle, but they’d be fools if they haven’t given how much Cyn TALKS about Chipotle.
While they’re at the beach, Erica whips out the Chipotle for the two of them and you’d have thought that Santa Claus himself was on the TV screen. This chick loves Chipotle like some women love a good Louis bag. I’d hate to see what this Cyn lady could do to a bag full of Oreos, cause homegirl is ready to go in when it comes to food.
Apparently, she’s also ready to defend Erica’s honor from Rich. When Rich stops by to visit the two lesbian lovebirds on set, the two exchange heated words as Cyn tries to rehash the past and blasts Rich for being “corny” and stealing Erica’s song. Bitch, you weren’t there. Sit down and shut up.
But all of the headaches that Erica has given Rich over the years are about to pay off. In a surprise twist, Erica pays a visit to Rich Dollaz and asks him to manage her as an artist full-time and guess what? This time Mena’s ready to play nice as she’s FINALLY signed the damn contract.
If Rich Dollaz didn’t have a Buddha belly, he would’ve jumped up and done a backflip upon hearing this news. But since he’s clearly nowhere near that nimble, we’ll just have to imagine that athletic feat in our heads.
Will Erica and Rich make their (business) relationship last forever this time? Hopefully the third time’s the charm.
Yes, Saigon, You Are the Father
The ugly sideshow this season consists of some rapper named Saigon and a spoiled, jacked-up teeth individual named Erica Jean.
These two have trust issues and Saigon swears that the only way he’ll get over them is he’s able to verify the paternity of his child. Erica Jean and her small brain initially rebel at the idea, but eventually she comes around and agrees to the test.
No surprise though: The kid is definitely Saigon’s.
This causes the rapper to sing and dance as he proclaims his joy about verifying his son’s identity. Let’s hope Saigon is in such high spirits when he cuts that monthly child support comment too.
Tahiry Breaks Up with Joe for Good
I would recap this exchange, but you’re not interested. Tahiry is pissed because she found out some chick was sleeping in her bed. Joe Budden swears that nothing happened, Tahiry wisely doesn’t believe him and so she cuts the shit and bails on the relationship.
Hallelujah. Can we all move on now?
Nya Stirs the Pot Again
This bald-headed bitch they’ve hired for this season is exhausting. She gets into cat fights with every damn body but she’s really not that entertaining. After squabbling with Rich Dollaz and Erica Mena, Nya makes her way to Rashidah’s party and rubs Tahiry the wrong way by making a crude, sweeping remark about “Spanish chicks love sharing d**k.”
Yeah, so Tahiry didn’t take too well to that and she let her fiery temper flare right up on Nya.
Normally, Nya would’ve clapped back, but since Nya is interested in maintaining a relationship with Joe Budden, she quickly runs over to patch things up.
On a sidenote: How about Rashidah’s hair? Ol’ girl has been downgraded from a full-fledged cast member to Tahiry’s sidekick, and she also transitioned from Hawaiian Punch red to Sunkist orange. We see you out here in these streets, Rainbow Brite.