The princess of twerk, and life philosopher Miley Cyrus revealed in an interview that she begged her “stupid” friend Justin Bieber to take a break from making music after he went crazy earlier this year.
When videos popped up online showing the 19-year-old singer cursing out photographers, and news also emerged that he was getting into it with his neighbors, allegedly spitting on one during an altercation, Miley, who apparently thinks she’s wise enough to dish out advice to her peers, sat her friend down and told him that it would be best if he lay low for a while.
The former Disney star said in an interview with the UK’s Sunday People:
“I told Justin to take a bit of time out and people aren’t so obsessed with you and nit-pick. When you’re not around, all they want is your music. They want to see what the next thing is. But when your music is out they just want to talk s*** about you.
“When you’re a worldwide star, everyone sees everything. Lots of people make a video and put it on Instagram, some people might think it’s funny but because it’s Justin Bieber, it’s like really bad.
“I always tell him just to be cool and not talk about it because when you talk it fuels the fire. He’s still stupid though. But everyone does dumb stuff when they are messed up.”
Miley Cyrus calling Justin Bieber “stupid” and telling him to take a chill pill because he’s “messed up” is like Amanda Bynes calling Lindsay Lohan “crazy” and telling her she needs to get help. That’s nice and all (everyone could use some decent advice from their peers) but what about YOU?