In “it’s a sad, stupid world” news, a woman has filed a complaint with the Tennessee Department of Health after she claims a doctor she went to see for back pain gave her an insulting diagnosis.
Indeed, 55-year-old Terry Ragland told WREG, “He said ‘I know what the problem is. It’s ghetto booty.’ I think I blacked out after he said ghetto booty. I think my mind was just stuck on the phrase because I couldn’t believe he said that.”
Ragland added, “He said there’s no cure for it but I could give you something if you’re having pain.” Ragland told the office manager about what happened. The manager went on to apologize and later she got a letter from Dr. Sweo, where he wrote, “I was trying to take a technical conversation regarding your lower back and make it less technical.”
Nah homie, you just tried it.
Though he wouldn’t agree to appear on camera, Dr. Sweo did explain to News Channel 3, “What I was trying to explain to that patient is that she has lumbar lordosis, which is a fancy name for the curve of the lower spine that makes the buttocks protrude more. In trying to explain that I said that she had ghetto booty and she didn’t like that apparently. That was my attempt to explain why she had the back problem. It wasn’t the whole problem but it was part of it and she got upset about it,. You cannot cure lumbar lordosis.”
Sweo added, “I think I do understand why her feelings were hurt but I don’t understand what’s offensive about it.”
That’s mighty white of you to say, Dr. Sweo. The hell you know about a ghetto booty anyway?