The Heart Attack Grill — a restaurant in Las Vegas — lived up to its name when a man almost died from an actual heart attack after chowing down on one of their famous Triple Bypass Burgers.
The restaurant is known for its life-threatening food options, and signs around the eatery actually promote unhealthy eating. One sign posted inside the business reads: “This establishment is bad for your health.”
And we can see why with gut-busting menu items like Flatliner Fries, Butterfat Milkshakes, Quadruple Bypass Burgers, Triple Bypass Burgers, Double Bypass Burgers and Single Bypass Burgers.

The waitresses dress up as nurses and customers wear hospital gowns while they chow down on food that could actually land them in a real hospital.
Oh, and customers who weigh over 350 pounds get to eat for free!
The Triple Bypass Burger (a step down from the Quadruple Bypass Burger) is 6,000-calorie artery-clogging hamburger, which costs around $11, weighs in at 1.5 pounds, and comes stacked with three huge burger patties, cheese, special sauce, a red onion, a sliced tomato, and up to 15 strips of bacon.
In other words, the Triple Bypass Burger is a heart attack waiting to happen! And a Las Vegas tourist learned that the hard way when he collapsed while eating one.

“The gentleman could barely talk,” owner Jon Basso told Fox5 in Vegas. “He was sweating, suffering. Anyone with an ounce of compassion would’ve felt for him.”
The customers inside the restaurant thought the whole thing was a publicity stunt.
“I actually felt horrible for the gentleman because the tourists were taking photos of him as if it were some type of stunt. Even with our own morbid sense of humor, we would never pull a stunt like that,” Basso said.
Waitress Tracy Chamberlin told CBS News, “I had people ask me, ‘Is this a stunt, do you do this on a regular basis? (I said,) ‘No, it’s not a stunt, this is for real, this man is sick.'”
“I am nowhere near a nurse,” Tracy said. “I just play one when I come to work.”

John Basso, who plays along with the theme of the restaurant by dressing up in a full doctor’s uniform, says he has no regrets about how he runs his restaurant.
“I am here to tell you straight out I am here to make a buck,” he said, adding that other restaurants serve unhealthy food too. He’s just more honest about how unhealthy his food is.
“Who doesn’t want to risk a little danger every once in a while. If I can put danger back into hamburgers, all the better,” joked ‘Doctor’ Basso. “We throw slogans at you like, ‘Taste worth dying for.’”

The unlucky diner who suffered the heart attack from eating one of those morbidly unhealthy cheeseburgers is reported to be alive and recuperating.
Guess they don’t call it a “Triple Bypass Burger” for nothing!