A man is facing complaints from residents of his neighborhood after he posted up a sign on his property telling a sick neighbor, “Glad you have canser. So die, stupid.” (Yes, he really spelled “cancer” with an S.)

According to reports, Edward Jimmis hung up a wreath with a hand-written note containing the harsh words above strategically placed inside.

But why? Well, Jimmis says he and his neighbor Bob Gold stopped talking after they had a fight over Gold’s shrubs.

Jimmis says Gold would taunt him, and he put the sign up after Gold stuck his tongue out at Jimmis one day.

Gold, in remission from Hodgkin’s lymphoma (a deadly disease), noticed the cruel sign from his backyard and called police. But when they got there, there was nothing they could do, because Jimmmis didn’t break any laws, so all they could do was mediate the dispute.

Several other people in the neighborhood want Jimmis to leave and staged a small protest against him, carrying their own signs, some of which read: “Shame on you” and “Leave our peaceful neighborhood.”

Jimmis eventually took down the misspelled sign and apologized, explaining that he posted it because of his feud with Gold.

No word on whether or not Mr. Jimmis realized he spelled the word “cancer” wrong.


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