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Tag: Gwinnett County

Gwinnett Police Investigating Viral Videos Showing Teen Being Abused by Dad & Stepmom

The viral videos showing a teen girl being "disciplined" by her father and stepmother in a garage after she allegedly ran away from home have sparked an investigation from the Gwinnett County Police Department.

White Woman Goes On Racist Rant at Dollar Tree, But Claims She Was the Victim & Can’t Be Racist Because She’s A Former Teacher

A white woman who spewed a racist rant towards a black Dollar Tree employee claims that she can’t be racist because she’s an educated former teacher and believes she’s actually the victim of racism!

Georgia Mother Accused of Stabbing Her Husband & 4 Kids to Death

A man and four children were found stabbed to death in a home near Atlanta, Georgia Thursday morning (Jul. 6), and police are saying the mother/wife did it.

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