Warner Bros. pictures released the official trailer for “Yogi Bear,” an upcoming 3D live action/CGI film adaptation of the iconic Hanna-Barbera cartoon series known as “The Yogi Bear Show” last week. Dan Akroyd stars as Yogi Bear while Justin Timberlake plays Boo Boo in the film. According to Wiki, the plot for the new movie reads:
“Jellystone Park has been losing business, so greedy Mayor Brown decides to shut it down and sell the land. That means families will no longer be able to experience the natural beauty of the outdoors — and, even worse, Yogi and Boo Boo will be tossed out of the only home they’ve ever known. Faced with his biggest challenge ever, Yogi must prove that he really is “smarter than the average bear” as he and Boo Boo join forces with their old nemesis Ranger Smith to find a way to save Jellystone Park from closing forever.”
Peep the trailer for the brand new “Yogi Bear” re-make below: