A lot of talk has been going around lately about Precious star Gabourey Sidibe and so far, none of it is has been very positive. The overnight actress has been described on numerous occasions as being real “snobbish,” “diva-like,” and “egocentric.” Many fans and reporters have also complained about Gabby’s rude behavior and quickness to lose her temper. Even journalist Jonathan Capehart from the Washington Post had his own personal experience with the actress which turned out to be rather bitter. And MediaBistro.com recalled of yet another encounter with the “Precious” star:
When asked for a picture, the less-than-enthused newbie star could barely crack a smile. One photo-seeking fan said jokingly, “that’s all you’re going to give me,” to the pouty Precious. Gabby responded, “you’ll get what I give you.” Later in the evening FishbowlDC overheard a Politico reporter asking Gabby for a quick interview. Gabby replied, “one question” and then proceeded to give the reporter a one-word answer. When asked a follow up Q, not-so-Precious said, “sounds like three questions, good night.”
However, during a recent interview with Radaronline.com, Gabby’s mother Alice Tan Riley personally spoke out against all of the accusations being made about her daughter:
“Would you believe all of those comments? Gabby was not raised to be a rude person. It has been a big change having all that attention and I think she has done well- she is happy right now– those comments are just other people’s opinions.”
We’re not surprised she said this! Parents never seem to see their kids for who they really are and tend to defend them even when they’re wrong.