“Hangover” director Todd Phillips recently confirmed that due to Liam Neeson’s scheduling conflicts with his upcoming film “Wrath of The Titans,” Neeson’s cameo scene in the “Hangover” sequel has officially been axed.
“We were in a complete time crunch, so I called (director) Nick [Cassavetes] and asked if he would do the part. He came in and crushed it, and that is the scene that you will ultimately see in the film,” director Todd Phillips explained about how Cassavetes became the third actor to play the part.
While editing the film, Phillips noticed some gaps and decided that reshoots had to be done. Cassavetes seemed to be the perfect final choice. “It turned out great,” Phillips said.
Neeson agreed to fill in for Mel Gibson, who had first been targeted for the part. The scene that Neeson was to be a part of had been modified after cast and crew complained about Gibson’s inclusion.
“The Hangover Part 2” is scheduled for theatrical release on May 26th 2011!