A former Iran president is going viral on social media after quoting Tupac while speaking out on the police killing of George Floyd.
Yes, you read that right. Outrage over George Floyd’s fatal arrest has spread so far across the world that former Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has taken to social media to express his feelings, and he quoted a Tupac lyric while doing so.
Ahmadinejad took to Twitter Friday (May 29) and said Floyd’s killing earlier in the week was “deeply disturbing” and “upsetting” to him.
He also warned folks that “the scheme of the world powers is to cause disunity in order to keep all societies under control” and said Floyd’s killing was “the result of the current world order which we all must unite against.”
Ahmadinejad ended his tweet—which included a screenshot from the video showing former Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin with his knee on Floyd’s neck—with a line from the Tupac song “Changes” that basically sums up police brutality against Black Americans: “Pull the trigger kill a N***a he’s a hero”
The scheme of the world powers is to cause disunity in order to keep all societies under control. The killing of #GeorgeFloyd was deeply disturbing & upsetting & is the result of the current world order which we all must unite against.
"Pull the trigger kill a Nigga he's a hero" pic.twitter.com/1giRGxPy68— Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (@Ahmadinejad1956) May 29, 2020
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad served as the sixth President of Iran from 2005 to 2013.
Of course, the irony of an Iranian politician calling out police brutality in America (and using the N-Word to do so) hasn’t been lost on social media.
See the responses to Ahmadinejad’s viral tweet below:
This guy imprisoned women for not wearing cloth on their head.
— Greg Baker (@CursedMerc) May 29, 2020
Since Twitter is banned in Iran, I will say this for everyone: pic.twitter.com/V1lSClwJmC
— Matthew Foldi (@MatthewFoldi) May 29, 2020
Mr. Ahmadinejad sir I'm not sure you can say that
— Jared-19 (@UVoicemail) May 29, 2020
Wherein a former dictator uses the N-word and points a finger at another country for…
*checks notes*
…brutally oppressing and mistreating its citizens.
Say, here’s a thought… pic.twitter.com/0KKd6MhTUG
— Mike Breslin’s ANTIWRONG Tweets (@mikebreslin815) May 29, 2020
You tortured people.
— a person who builds things (@Maxtropolitan) May 29, 2020
you’re gonna get cancelled for this one agha ahmadinejad ?
— Mohammad (@WongKarWax) May 29, 2020
— Elijah Manley (@iElijahManley) May 29, 2020
Kill a who?! pic.twitter.com/ihGwtPWmkY
— BLACK mixed w/ BLACK (@black_mixed) May 29, 2020
WTF…Seriously how dare you when under your watch hundreds of peaceful protesters were brutally gunned down & thousand were arrested, many of whom were tried in show trials & received long term prison sentences. There is a time to talk & then there is a time to shut the F up.
— Persian Banoo (@persianbanoo) May 29, 2020
If anyone knows about killing people in cold blood and keeping a society under control, it's you
— Loren (@LorenSethC) May 29, 2020
The president of Iran is quoting a Tupac song on the timeline right now https://t.co/a5PRsa07Pa
— Jonathan ???? (@Hiro_theKid) May 29, 2020
Is this real life?
The former president of Iran quoting Tupac. What?
— Naser (@NaserMestarihi) May 29, 2020
A former president of Iran quoting the lyrics of 'Changes' by Tupac Shakur was definitely not something I expected to see emerge from all this. Just….no. https://t.co/BrBmGee1gP
— Bernie Debusmann (@BernieDebusmann) May 31, 2020
The former President of Iran just quoted Tupac. And I’m conflicted. https://t.co/LMRcWgY50C
— Dylan (@dyllyp) May 30, 2020
2020 is not real… the former president of Iran just quoted Tupac! ??? https://t.co/WlQnK8wzaG
— Killua ?? (@Callme__Mac) May 31, 2020
Ex president of Iran quoted Tupac lyrics about police brutality, you can't make this shit up… 2020's an illusion, this shit can't be real https://t.co/l0E8jbjrIW
— ?? (@T_YBoogie) May 30, 2020