In what should be seen as nothing more than a celebratory moment, Cardi B. has instead thrown in the towel and is showing all signs that she is sick and tired of the BS.
Right now, if you go to her Instagram page, you won’t see anything because Cardi B. has disabled it.
Her Twitter account remains active at least, so she’s not completely gone from social media. But Cardi’s decision to delete her Instagram comes on the heels of many pointing out that her winning a Grammy for Best Rap Album before Nicki Minaj is a slight against Nicki.
Cardi fired off a warning shot that she was getting fed up with the Barbz and the media feeding the frenzy in an IG Stories rant:
It’s hard to understand why Cardi let this get under her skin. She is literally winning right now.
The Barbz who are blowing up her mentions are simply being sore losers. But what’s new? If Cardi still hasn’t figured out how to ignore her detractors, she’s never going to get very far.
But oh well, you know this disappearing act from IG is temporary. She’ll be back in a few days anyway.