Damn near half the cast of “Black Ink Crew (New York)” got into a huge brawl on this week’s episode, and Twitter went HAM over it.
When the Black Ink Crew Season 7 trailer was released a few weeks ago, we all saw someone beating the crap out of someone, and now we know who those someones were. The man on the receiving end of the beatdown was a new tattoo artist named Herb, and the man delivering the beatdown was Teddy.
It all started last week when Herb was brought to the shop by Alex (aka the Vagina Slayer). When Herb was introduced to Sky at the Black Ink New Orleans launch party, Sky got pissed off that Herb didn’t know who she was and give her the respect she was demanding from him.
Things immediately went downhill from there, and got even worse when at a backyard pool party, which had just gotten shut down by the po-po, mind you, Sky and Herb got into an argument (He called her “fake”) and Sky stole on him.
Herb responded by punching her in the face, knocking her wig clean off, and that’s when it all went to hell. It was pretty much over with for Herb at that point.
Walt was all like “That n***a punched my sister in the face!” and Teddy immediately ran after Herb, with Ceaser following not too far behind.
See, this is what happens when you bring those negative vibes around @FlyyyTattedSky #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/l59Dl0JLE7
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) October 4, 2018
At that point, Herb decided he wanted to fight everybody, and stole on Ceaser, and then Teddy came up from behind and swung on Herb, and when Herb tried to take off, Teddy knocked him to the ground and started pummeling him as he lay there like a defenseless animal.
Of course, Twitter had things to say about how everything went down.
While most people agreed that it wasn’t cool for Herb to react the way he did, even though Sky technically did throw the first punch, there were some who did not agree with a man retaliating like that on a woman, no matter what, and others who felt like they both were in the wrong.
Peep the reactions below:
Ted and Cease chasing Herb down… "He HiT our sista!#BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/bCVOholwJ2
— £ (@DJayCapo) September 27, 2018
Me when Herb punch Sky back and knocked her wig off #blackinkcrew pic.twitter.com/M4gr4zdTux
— B R E U N A ? (@SincerelyBreuna) October 4, 2018
The scarf was still attached to the wig when Herb knocked it off. #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/aDVbUWLS1K
— b@M (@Bamslam000) October 4, 2018
So Sky mad because the New Orleans guy didn’t show her any attention from the very beginning. That’s the real issue. #BlackInkCrew
— Toshan (@to_shan54321) October 4, 2018
Why is Sky so bothered by Herb? Do you secretly want this man or sum? All jokes aside tho I like Sky , but she has to learn to keep her damn hands to herself! Regardless if it’s right or wrong , not ever man is going to turn the other cheek! Do better love. #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/ak7ain6AcX
— _BlessYaLife_ (@UhLeeYah_17) October 4, 2018
Sky feels bc she has new boobs & ass that men are supposed to fawn over her. So when she's not getting that, her "Virgo vibes" senses he's a bad guy. Fast forward to when he insulted her body, insecurity took over and she punched him. I like Sky but she's dead wrong #BlackInkCrew
— Highly Favored ??? (@tokingblackgirl) October 4, 2018
Dude was beyond WRONG for putting his hands on Sky BUT Sky was WRONG for putting her hands on him 1st…. Don’t put ya hands on a man if you don’t want them putting theirs on you… PERIOD!!! #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/KpLS5uuOOu
— Black GRL Magic ???? (@_bymyownrules_) October 4, 2018
Soooooo are we goiong to IGNORE the fact that Herb was the one bringing in business & was about BUSINESS? Meanwhile petty Sky was fighting at the grand opening? The way Teddy went off, I'm thinking he needs to just be with Sky. #Blackinkcrew
— Globe trotter (@Nothingfalseh) October 4, 2018
Herb didn’t even do shit ! Sky read trippinn for nothing? .. don’t bring that bs down south? #BlackInkCrew
— Beth? (@mistyy_j) October 4, 2018
Sky deserves all that shit. U cant keep going around talking crazy trying to bully folks. Everybody dnt play that shit especially if they dnt deserve it!!#BlackInkCrew
— ?suckabustah**trusta (@gbaby901251) October 4, 2018
Herb is probably the one who called the police #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/mIWYpfMT4G
— special k (@kandidlykaty) October 4, 2018
In hindsight I don't know why Herb thought he wasn't going to get jumped by them. #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/rSkETNA5yV
— Will? (@The_SonieSideup) October 4, 2018
Dude really fought a female and then was throwing blows at his new boss??? #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/Z1CaNmSfT5
— Call Me Mrs. B (@ColorMeBougie08) September 27, 2018
Sky just wants everybody to kiss her ass, but the Bartender nor Herb was going for it.?? #BlackInkCrew
— Candy-Joy (@CandyJoy02) October 4, 2018
#BlackInkCrew Cease is very bias!Why is is ok for Sky to act a damn fool all the time,with her fighting,yet he fires Jada for defenfing herself??
— TraceyManzano (@TraceyManzano) October 4, 2018
So sky punched dude in his face and didn't expect a punch back? And they all fighting dude in his city? Wrong move #BlackInkCrew
— DatJamaicanChick?? (@BaddieKeyz) September 27, 2018
#blackinkcrew So y’all had to jump ole boy. That was a One on One. Why teddy jumping in. Keep that same energy when them #NewOrleans niqqas come lookin for ya. pic.twitter.com/itLejLejln
— Son Of Medusa (@MedusasKid) October 4, 2018
LMAOO YEP!! That’s a TRUE NOLA NIGGA?? This nigga said “Wazzam”? Yep that’s how we talk down here! Look I don’t condone domestic violence BUT ladies y’all gotta learn to STOP putting your hands on a Man & wanna cry when they lay hands back????? #BlackInkCrew
— Raquel (@KaiiStarr) September 27, 2018
Sky really thought she was gon punch Herb in the face and walk away? ? wrong city my girl! Herb bopped that hoe right back! #BlackInkCrew
— ??? (@YeaThats_Bree) October 4, 2018
Sky punched him so he had every right to defend himself! "That nigga punched my sister" well why is your sister punching men #BlackInkCrew
— ?? (@REPARATlONS) September 27, 2018
Sky need to keep her damn hands to herself #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/iJLYZoJNLE
— Elizabeth (@FreakyRedd69) October 4, 2018
Looks like Sky punched the right nigga in the face he delivered that Louisiana 2piece and a biscuit quicker then uber eats #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/FEe1pFMYTS
— Blackanese Doll (@SAVORdeezWORDS) September 27, 2018
I don’t care what anybody says. If you put your hands on somebody you need to be prepared to get hit back, man or woman. #BlackInkCrew
— Sasha ? (@Lalala_Sashh) October 4, 2018
So all this happened because Herb didn’t know who sky was ?? #BlackInkCrew
— myra. (@simplyacutie_) October 4, 2018
Herb not wrong. Sky shouldn’t have put her hands on him ????? she thinks she can do whatever she pleases #BlackInkCrew
— m. (@myalitty) September 27, 2018
Teddy running across the street is probably the most work he’s done all season #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/SC76P28KNH
— special k (@kandidlykaty) October 4, 2018
Thing is she could've gotten them KILLED in Nola. I wld NEVER put my brothers in a sit like that just bc I KNOW they have my back. That's not what REAL FAMILY does. Ppl die, then what? Doesn't matter long as they had my back?
— _Sophia_ ? (@keepinitreal) October 4, 2018
I dont think Herb was insulting Sky's body. She said she was going to talk about him behind his back and he said "you fake" not about her body but her attitude! She started shit with the bartender too. Sky is a liability and nobody ever checks her when she is wrong #blackinkcrew
— Sherrelle Ivahat (@cinderello78) October 4, 2018
I don’t condone men hitting women, but Sky MET HER MATCH ? ?????#blackinkcrew
— Muva Millie (@MuvaMillie) October 4, 2018